Mike Portnoy QUITS Dream Theater

I didn't believe it when I first heard it. Many people are probably in the same boat; Dream Theater wasn't my favorite band but they are very unique and awesome. I hope he goes back after A7X flop hard.
Dream Theater has grown on me over the years and I've come to appreciate their style. This news comes as a real shock because Portnoy wrote a LOT of the material. But if you read the press relaese from Portnoy he relly comes clean and explains the reasons for his leaving, which I completely understand.

"After having had such amazing experiences playing with Hail, Transatlantic and Avenged Sevenfold this past year, I have sadly come to the conclusion that I have recently had more fun and better personal relations with these other projects than I have for a while now in Dream Theater..."

That says it all right there. One things for sure, he's not going to be unemployed. He's always had side projects going on.
I think "Images and Words" is one of the greatest metal albums of all time. Unfortunately, they were never able to even get close to that release with anything else. I don't listen to any release other than that one by them.
I think Portnoy is a hell of a drummer, but there are lots of technical drummers out there. Aquilles Priester (former Angra drummer) is pretty bad-ass. Micheal Cartellone may be getting bored with Skynyrd.... I don't know, but he is actually a monster as well.

Micheal Cartellone may be getting bored with Skynyrd.... I don't know, but he is actually a monster as well.


Oh, so that's where he ended? I lost track of him after Damn Yankees split.
I think he has lots of reasons for not being in any band at this point, but I'd like to see someone give Martin Lopez (ex-Opeth) a shot. It just dawned on me that he'd be great in Dream Theater.
I personally think Martin Lopez is awesome and technically he is a monster (Portnoy would even tell you that) but he left Opeth for health reasons.....
so are we going about this assuming DT has no shift in their sound or style? i am by no means an expert on the band...i have a collection of less than a dozen songs i like. but it seems that Portnoy was such a large part in the writing/direction of the band that I would not be surprised if they had a shift in sound. of course, that would also make the variety for the next drummer much larger.
horrible decision to complain about the record/tour cycle of a band, only to go out and record/tour for another.
I am not a major fan of DT but when I heard he left I raised an eyebrow. The guy has been with the band for like 20 years! But I guess not all things last..

Also, if he joins A7X iam gonna lose a lot of respect for the guy. He deserves better for his drumming capabilities.

I think he has lots of reasons for not being in any band at this point, but I'd like to see someone give Martin Lopez (ex-Opeth) a shot. It just dawned on me that he'd be great in Dream Theater.

I agree with you man, Opeth fucking rocks!
Opeth is meh. Also I respect Portnoy MORE for going out and touring with A7X. It's not their fault their drummer up and fucking died, guys. Portnoy was asked to drum for them because he was The Rev's favorite drummer.

I hate Dream Theater but there was nothing wrong with Portnoy leaving.