
Sep 23, 2007
Peoria, AZ
From Blabbermouth:

Drummer Mike Portnoy (DREAM THEATER, TRANSATLANTIC), guitarist Steve Morse (DEEP PURPLE, DIXIE DREGS), multi-instrumentalist Neal Morse (TRANSATLANTIC, SPOCK'S BEARD), bassist Dave LaRue (DIXIE DREGS) and vocalist Casey McPherson (ALPHA REV, ENDOCHINE) have joined forces in a brand new project. The as-yet-unnamed band has just entered the studio to begin work on a new album, due later in the year.

Regarding how the new project came together, Neal Morse said, "Last April I got together with Steve Morse to do some writing and to see what would happen with a collaboration between the two of us and how I went down to his house in Florida and spent some days with him, getting to know him and writing some music and we had a really good time. So we've been talking about doing a project together for a while."

As for the musical direction of the new project, Neal said, "We're all going to get together and work from scratch with no pre-prepared material and see what comes out.

"I'd like to do something different. Something to make it very different from like my solo stuff or TRANSATLANTIC.

"There are some demos and some things that Steve and I did in April that we've worked on and so we'll have some things to start with, but I think the plan is to get together and see what happens and write in the room."

He added, "We're all excited about the project, but it is a bit of a mystery as to what will come. The vision is to do something a little more song-oriented and not quite so riffy, as one might expect. But still, of course, having the musical elements that people like Steve Morse, Dave LaRou, Mike Portnoy, and myself can provide."

Although Neal is hoping to release the album this year, he was quick to point out that there is no firm timetable set for the completion of the new project's debut.

"We've mapped out about 10 days [in the studio for the project's first session]," he said. "We'll see what happens and see how much we can get done, if we can't get the basics down enough for an album then we'll have to continue on later.

"Everyone's schedules are a bit in flux and their very busy people so I don't know how long it will take us to actually finish and release the record."
Let's all get excited for the zillionth "supergroup" who will hype an album for a year, go on a very short tour, then take another 5 years to maybe do another one!!!!!!

Yay Supergroups!!! We're not worthy....we're not worthy!!!!

Let's all get excited for the zillionth "supergroup" who will hype an album for a year, go on a very short tour, then take another 5 years to maybe do another one!!!!!!
Portnoy has NOT been drummer for a zillion supergroups. It only seems that way.:lol:
I also don't approve of anything that further takes Deep Purple away from touring because I still need to see them live someday.

Amen to that. Haven't seen them live since Blackmore left the band (although I've got most of the recent live dvds). Gotta see them!
I'm intrigued by this. Honestly, anytime Portnoy and Neal work together, they produce some high quality material. Yeah whatever this band ends up being called could just be a one and done or a one and in 5 years thing but so what? If it's good, it's good.

As for Deep Purple, at this point I have given up on ever seeing them. It also excites me less without Blackmore being in the fold.
As for Deep Purple, at this point I have given up on ever seeing them. It also excites me less without Blackmore being in the fold.

Thankfully my first concert was in 1984 when the original members got back together for the Perfect Strangers album and tour. I'm so glad I got to see that cause it'll never happen again.
Can't say I'm surprised by this; Mike will never miss a meal even being out of DT and he has a LOT of immensely talented friends in music.
I wish I'd made a bet at our New Years party about it, though; I'd have cleaned UP! :)
Come on, Jason!

I've seen Deep Purple three times, and you've had more chances to see them than I have. Besides, they'll most likely come around as soon as they finish their new album. As for you, Simon, you're really missing out if you don't see Purple with their current lineup. Steve Morse really lit a fire under their asses when he joined, and Don Airey handles the old organ parts beautifully.

I, for one, love it when these supergroups come together. They may only last one album, but if the music is enjoyable, then it's totally worth the effort. Most musicians need more than just one outlet for their music, and what better way to let that music out than to jam with musicians whom you admire and/or respect? Hell, I'm currently spreading myself across four projects with a possible fifth project in the works! It's a lot of fun, and it's a great way to find inspiration.

Stay metal. Never rust.
Come on, Jason!

I've seen Deep Purple three times, and you've had more chances to see them than I have.

I only got more heavily into them a couple years ago.
I loved Perfect Strangers when it first came out, but never kept up with them.

A couple years back I dug deeper in the catalog, including the Coverdale era.

I was going to go to the House of Blues show a couple years ago, but then their website listed both shows as canceled. It turns out that only one show was canceled. I never knew until many months later that the first show of a two night stand actually did occur.

The gig I am really bummed I missed was about 4 or 5 years ago when they toured with Thin Lizzy, performing Machine Head in its entirety.
I also think we're stretching the definition of the word "super". Two guys from the Dixie Dregs, a guy from Spock's Beard, and the drummer from Dream Theater? Even within our little corner of the world, I wouldn't qualify that as "super".

LOL I was thinking the same thing.
I also think we're stretching the definition of the word "super". Two guys from the Dixie Dregs, a guy from Spock's Beard, and the drummer from Dream Theater? Even within our little corner of the world, I wouldn't qualify that as "super".


Super means "of high grade or quality"

Super means "of high grade or quality"
True. But the term "super group" tends to suggest a star-studded line up. I think people tend to quickly label any project that includes band members with any semblance of a resume, "super group". As with all things, it's a matter of perspectives. But in my mind, this is not a super group.