Mike Portnoy's next side project

Seventh Son

Zero Salvation
Apr 16, 2001
Sydney, Australia
According to an IRC chat held by portnoy the following line is to hit the Studio next week:

Mike Portnoy
Daniel Gildenlow (POS)
Jim Matheos (Fates Warning)
Sean Malone (Gordian Knot)
Kevin Moore (ex-DT)

This is one awesome line up!
Right, its official, one member of Dream Theater is now in every band ever!

When do these guys sleep?? :)
Are you shitting me!
Holy shitballs from testicle land!

That will be killer.

As if Porntoy and Kevin Moore back together isnt enough, but throw in Danile Gildenlow, and I am starting to become quite moist..... quite moist indeed!

I am going to head over to Mike Portnoy's site now and see if I can find any more info~