Milwaukee metal fest...


Mar 18, 2002
Does anyone know anything about this years Milwaukee metal fest? They haven't updated the web page in an eternity and it's only like 2 months away!
Any info would be appreciated.
About the only bands I know of are Somnus (a black metal band from Cleveland - I have some friends in that band), Mushroom Head (oh joy), and Sevendust (yipee!). I did hear that Borknagar may be in the States during July. Hmmm... coincidence? Hopefully not.
So how much did Somnus have to pay to play at this years festival?

I actually have thier demo To Return The Crimson Skies which is pretty good.

YOu should start a new thread on the forum under US metal or General discussion. You'd probably have better luck since most people here are into Progressive and Power Metal, neither of which are generally well represented at the Milwaukee Metal Fest.
That would be great if you guys played at Milwaukee! I will be at Wacken the following weekend, and will definelty see you guys play there also. Just that Metal Fest will be a much smaller crowd.
Milwaukee tends to be a spotty fest at best, with some great bands and a whole lot of crap. And I think that Borknagar at PP would be great! It would be a very mixed reaction though, a lot of hardcore prog/power people dispise anything sounding remotely like black metal.
Se7endust? really? they're actually really good.... Also, skyclad? Who's their new singer? Martin left, didn't he?

a milwaukeean who's never been to the milwaukee metal fest,
I'm waiting for a list of bands before I decide to go or not...
Funny thing - I've lived in Milwaukee since August of 1997 and have yet to go to the Metalfest.

I've lived close enough to Milwaukee my entire life, and I went last year just to see Jag Panzer & Primal Fear. It was very cool to meet Ralf Scheepers and the rest of PF before their set....Other than these 2 bands (Soilwork was passable) there is just too much Black/Death Metal there for my tastes.

Originally posted by The Reverend
And I think that Borknagar at PP would be great! It would be a very mixed reaction though, a lot of hardcore prog/power people dispise anything sounding remotely like black metal.

Mmmm....I know I'll get flamed for this, but I'm going to PPUSA for the power element only. I don't care much for the progressive portion at all. Since Glenn has stated that he is top heavy on power this year (even though it's 50/50), I can't imagine going back to another PPUSA gig if the same top heaviness in power didn't exist.

Put it this way, if you were to replace all the prog bands at PPUSA with black or death metal (including the gothenburg stuff like In Flames), then I would be even happier! But this just reflects the COMPLETE divide between prog and power fans. They are worlds apart IMO.

According to the poll on the other thread, a good majority of people are going to the PPUSA this year for the power alone. That's one helluva power lineup that we'll probably not see again for another millenium :)

Thanks to Glenn I'm sure from all the 'power only' fans. :)
Dude!!!!! Dude! DUUUUDE! Harvestor! If u get Borknagar I will love you forever!! ....ooooooooooohhh! HOLY CRAP! YES!

(/end fanboy)

* me.. borknagar is a good plan.

*ah*listens to the genuine pulse one more time
JayKeeley, I'm right there wit' ya. If PPUSA 3.0 were a one-day fest w/ only Pain of Salvation, Threshold, Reading Zero & Devin Townsend, I'd certainly not be spending the $1000+ that the weekend is sure to cost.

I don't have anything against those bands, and I respect a great many of the prog acts, but most of them are no more metal than Linkin Park (pause while I get my asbestos suit :grin:).

I also have to agree w/ the comment about replacing the prog bands with black & death bands. Jay, there's already a festival for that show. It's called Wacken Open-Air :D .

Anyway, just my 2 cents...
Originally posted by markgugs

I also have to agree w/ the comment about replacing the prog bands with black & death bands. Jay, there's already a festival for that show. It's called Wacken Open-Air :D .

Anyway, just my 2 cents...

Too true bro's. Wouldn't even need to be true death or black - I would be happy with a thrash band like Kreator thrown into the mix! Power metal all the way. (Yes, yes I also respect Prog Rock etc but not my cup of tea for travelling all the way to Atlanta for that alone).

Watch me get slammed now with all the messages from prog fans about how Glenn can't please everyone and that we shouldn't complain. I'm only describing my dream gig - harmless fun, that's all. :)

Wacken is actually easy to get to from NY - it's cheaper to fly overseas than it is internationally. I see the power line up and my jaw hits the floor....Angel Dust, Edguy, BG, Falconer, Iron Savior, Angra, Bruce Dickinson, Kreator, Nocturnal is endless euphoria even before you thrown in the thrash/death/black/viking bands...I am so living on the wrong continent!

Who's coming then? Beer party at my place in NY and then off to Germany. :rock:
Originally posted by JayDubya
I went last year just to see Jag Panzer & Primal Fear

That was indeed the highlight! Did you catch Steel Prophet and the Helstar reunion? Great stuff if you ask me! Soilwork had me floored as well. I hadn't heard this prior to the show, but they kicked my ass and then some. :eek:
Originally posted by sh

That was indeed the highlight! Did you catch Steel Prophet and the Helstar reunion? Great stuff if you ask me! Soilwork had me floored as well. I hadn't heard this prior to the show, but they kicked my ass and then some. :eek:

Unfortunately i missed that. Would have been cool. I'm looking forward to this year's Metalfest lineup, whenever they announce it...

I just read that Angel Dust will be playing at this years Metal Fest, as well as Jag Panzer. Other bands that are going to be there that are NOT death metal include Tad Morose, Seven Witches, Arch Enemy (kind of death but melodic), Into Eternity, Onward, Silencer, and Skyclad. I wish that there bands would all play the same dat so I don't have to go thee both days and sit through too many death metal bands (I love melodic death metal bands but most bands there are just plain death metal)
I'd enjoy going to at least one metal fest in my lifetime. My brother and I almost thought about going to Dynamo this year, but the airfare was just too much on short notice. Wacken would be great as well. I need to move to Europe. :D

I also wasn't impressed with the Furnace Fest lineup...too many emo/hardcore bands for my liking. There are too many of those bands here in Charlotte. It seems all the local shows are emo/hardcore. Anyway, it's nice seeing more festivals in the South.