Milwaukee Metal Fest...


Mar 18, 2002
Just wanted to know what people thought about the metal fest this weekend.

My thoughts and ramblings...
I had a great time this weekend! I was a little pissed when I arrived and heard they had stages right beside each other (nightmares of the New Jersey curtain fiasco danced in my head). Also, was a little miffed at the no bag rule. But, once I saw how they were running the stages, I was very pleased. I thought it was a great idea! They were able to keep the schedule and when one band finished, another one was ready to go. It also cut down on the chances of missing a band you wanted to see. I however did miss out on Intoeternity, they were playing the same time as Vio-lence (a no-brainer for me). The no-bag thing upset me for about 2 minutes and I got over it. It didn't seem to be a big deal for me, I just kept everything in a bag after I bought a few CD's.

What did everyone think of Vio-lence and Exodus? I thought Vio-lence killed! Exodus was OK. They didn't play enough of their classics for my tastes. I'm not a huge fan of the new Exodus stuff.

I must say on Saturday night, I got to see some of the largest circle pits I've seen in a really long time!:eek: It was great to see. People were going nuts with Dew Scented (espcially when they played War Ensemble), Vio-Lence (super huge pit!!), and Exodus.

By the way, who caught Testament? I didn't think they were going to do it. After Dragonlord played the Mercyful Fate cover, the stage manger told them one more song. They did another one of their own songs (can't remember it right now) and I thought that was it. But when they finished, Eric said he had a friend that wanted to come out on stage!!! It was sweet!!!! They played a killer Into the Pit! Had the place going nuts!!!

Arch Enemy killed. Tad Morose was a huge surprise. I never heard them until Friday night. Jag Panzer was great (no surprise there), Seven Witches was good. I caught two other bands I never heard of before that I thought was pretty good... Silencer and Onward. Good stuff. I ended up buying a couple CD's from those two bands.

What else... the wrestling was entertaining. The food was expensive (not a shock there...). I heard no New Jersey fest next year. I was told that Jack was moving it to Florida. We will see, I've heard that rumor for a few years now.

Like I said... I had a great weekend :D:)! Lots of great music, lots of CD buying, and hanging out with friends I usually see only once a year.