Mind Over Madder - Terrortory EP


Apr 5, 2003
Mind Over Matter - Terrortory EP
gomek.com - 009 - 2006
By Brandon Strader


Mind Over Madder is that one band from the desolate plains of Gomekkistan that everyone avoids for fear of their own safety. The outside of their cave features a sign that says "enter at your own risk". The band is brutal, heavy, and threatening. The same could be said about a lot of those 'Gomek' bands, but these guys stand out just a tiny bit more. With this Terrortory EP, the guys establish themselves as a force to be reckoned with, and possibly the heaviest (and most detuned) band on the gomek roster.

Straight from the getgo, Mind Over Madder begins their rampage with their crunchy, distorted riffs and strong percussion. The vocals that eventually move in are "yell" screams, the kind that are a bit lower pitched than the average "black metal" scream, and they have a tiny hardcore-vocal tinge to them. This EP is 37 minutes stuffed with the harsh workings of MOM, so why not call it a full-length? The music is hard, sometimes fast, but only pleasurable for a few brief moments, sort of like intimate relations with nerdy UM reviewers. The Terrortory EP suffers where a lot of up and coming bands do. Sometimes the songwriting shines, but a lot of the time the riffing gets a bit boring, and seems similar throughout each song. Also there isn't much going on, as you can fully comprehend every element of the music on the first listen, so the replay value on this release is a bit low.

It's not all bad, however! Songs like "Laugh, Cry, Kill" made us giggle mirthfully with its entertaining pillow talk, and the spoken dialogue featured throughout many of the later songs is fun to listen to, though it does sound like an instructional tape mixed into the music at times, which is not necessarily bad. I always thought having instructional tapes where you learn how to live properly with heavy metal in the background was a killer idea. MOM traverses rocky hills of thrashy riffs, and more speedy passages in a release that will leave you somewhat fulfilled while listening, but sad and abandoned when it has ended. A little overhaul to the songwriting style and creativity could do this band good. They're brutal and unrelenting, and you might like them, so check them out.


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Official Mind Over Madder Website
Official Gomek Website