Mini Iron Maiden

I went looking on You Tube to see if I could find any video of the girls doing Ghost Of The Navigator (I couldn't) but I stumbled across this. They're only lip syncing but it's adorable!!! They've obviously watched Rock In Rio countless times as they had all the moves perfect!! Especially mini Bruce. Really put a smile on my face. :D :loco: :kickass:
I went looking on You Tube to see if I could find any video of the girls doing Ghost Of The Navigator (I couldn't) but I stumbled across this. They're only lip syncing but it's adorable!!! They've obviously watched Rock In Rio countless times as they had all the moves perfect!! Especially mini Bruce. Really put a smile on my face. :D :loco: :kickass:

OMG!!!! You're right--too cute! The Janick flourishes were impressive, too. :headbang: