mini mac

I think I've seen some posts on the Digidesign forum of people using them to record, at least the old PPC versions, haven't really looked into the new Intel ones out.

They'd probably work I'd imagine, but you'd want to upgrade your RAM since it's only 512mb and probably record to an external firewire drive since the internal runs at 5400rpm and it's generally reccomended you use 7200+.
Hey man, I was thinking about picking one up myself a few weeks ago after a visit to the Mac store here in town. I did some research on some forums and whatnot and have heard nothing but good things. Basically it's like a mini G4 or G5, basically. With the new dual-core Intel brains, it should be lightning fast, which Macs already are...upgrading the RAM with another 512 chip (putting you at 1024mb/1gb, plenty of horsepower for your plugs) or even a 1gb chip and spending a couple $100 on an external drive + case, I think you'd have a pretty mean little Mac machine sitting there for your recording purposes. I already have a dual 2.3 G5 and a PowerBook G4, so I don't think my fiance would like me spending more money on yet another Mac, heh. If I needed another little G5 running around, I'd definitely nab one of those mini's. Fo sho.

Yeah, they just recently started advertising them on Sweetwater with the Intel Core Duo chips, not sure when they actually came out, but it was just recently. $800 will get you a nice Mac with a dual core Intel processor, still gotta upgrade the RAM and get an external drive, but what...$300-400 later, you're set. Sounds like a deal to me!

Tachy said:
But 5400rpm is not good?

5400 is common for laptop drives because they're more compact and produce less heat. It's recommended you use 7200rpm or higher drive for recording audio.

It's also recommended that you not use your computer's main system harddrive for recording audio anyways, and to use a seperate internal (which you can't do with a laptop/mini) or an external drive.
Thanks Splastik, but I have another question, I have a M-audio firewire 1814, and if put in the mini mac an external hard drive can I put it in the usb port?
Tachy said:
Thanks Splastik, but I have another question, I have a M-audio firewire 1814, and if put in the mini mac an external hard drive can I put it in the usb port?

Does the FW-1814 not have an extra firewire port on the back? If so you can plug the hard drive into that and the soundcard into the Mac Mini, I do that with my interface and FW-HDD and I have no problems.