Ministry - "Bloodlines"

zabu of nΩd

Free Insultation
Feb 9, 2007
Is anyone here familiar with Ministry? I heard their song "Bloodlines" from the most recent Vampire: The Masquerade computer game, and it's fucking incredible, but I find the rest of their discography to be utter shit in comparison. Anyone know of a Ministry album, or other band, which sounds anything like that song?

For those who haven't heard it, it's basically industrial metal with a rapid, hi hat-heavy, synth drum beat, a very steamy/echoey atmosphere, and riffs that sound rather sinister and brooding.
I feel Ministry is essential industrial metal.

But you have to be into industrial music really.

Filth Pig is a good album.

Psalm 69 is very dark and acidic but also equally as rhythmic.

The Mind is a Terrible Thing to Taste is quite good too.

the song "Jesus Built My Hot Rod" got me into them and "Just One Fix" is a killer song.

Ministry will always be a milestone on industrial metal's timeline
Yeah, I've listened to all of those. One thing that gets to me about them is all the random audio clips they throw in their songs - I hate that stuff. So that kinda makes a large part of their discography unlistenable to me. Besides that, though, I just don't find many of their riffs very catchy. A few songs like "Breathe" and "Just One Fix", have some nice, powerful riffs, but even those I find a little monotonous. Besides "Bloodlines", the only song of theirs that I truly enjoy is the instrumental "10/10" at the end of Dark Side of the Spoon - that piece is cool as hell.

So yeah, I guess I'm just looking for other bands that sound like Ministry without all the audio clips, and with more of a verse-chorus structure to their songs. Obviously there are a shitload of bands who've been influenced by Ministry, so I imagine there's something out there that I'd like. I'm just very unfamiliar with the industrial metal genre in general.
Though there's really nothing quite like Ministry, the closest you could probably get is early Pigface. Revolting Cocks maybe - though they're much more upbeat. You could also try some early Pitchshifter.
Though there's really nothing quite like Ministry, the closest you could probably get is early Pigface. Revolting Cocks maybe - though they're much more upbeat. You could also try some early Pitchshifter.

Thanks, I'll try them out. Feel free to recommend any specific albums (preferably ones without the aforementioned audio samples).