Ministry question....


Aug 29, 2005
I have a radio show on the local independent station 88.1 KDPS in des moines iowa and some guy has requested ministry several times so I finally went out and bought a cd of theirs and it was one that only had al in the band and was all dancelike! I immediately decided I hated that cd, but people seem to like them and they seem to be considered a metal band, so what is a good ministry cd/songs?
Doctor X said:
the mind is a terrible thing to taste
land of rape and honey

these two are my favorites

anything off pslam 69 album(is that the name lol)every song kicks ass very heavy stuff and unique for its time!
Doctor X said:
also, if you have SOD's Live at Budokan, the songs Thieves and Stigmata are Ministry covers...

Those cover versions on that record rule.
jackson3124 said:
I have a radio show on the local independent station 88.1 KDPS in des moines iowa and some guy has requested ministry several times so I finally went out and bought a cd of theirs and it was one that only had al in the band and was all dancelike! I immediately decided I hated that cd, but people seem to like them and they seem to be considered a metal band, so what is a good ministry cd/songs?

You bought the "Twitch"-album didn´t you? Early Ministry was more dance. With "Land of rape and honey" they got their rockier edge.
Ha damn you hit the nail right on there, yeah I bought Twitch and me and my friend were like WTF???? Ha. I have heard good things about Psalm 69 that album is just a bitch to find in stores I guess I will have to order it. I think I saw land of rape and honey in cd warehouse once. Thanks I will check out some of this shit.

Shit i didnt know thieves and stigmata were ministry covers either! :rock:
Psalm 69 is a masterpiece also check out there latest Houses of the mole. Live shows I recomend in case you didnt feel live showing up..Awesome recordings.
Arg_Hamster said:
"In case you didn´t feel like showing up" is my favourite live record ever.

"In Case..." is a great album. I also got their Sphinctour DVD a while back and it's well worth getting hold of. Takes a bit of getting used to as the video is all pieced together from loads of shows but the live tracks are super-heavy.

While we're on Ministry, anyone into Lard at all? Last Temptation of Reid is keeping me awake right now
Ah I am definitely ordering Psalm 69 however I am having trouble finding it on too damn! Anyone know a good place to find this cd? Maybe its on there I probably just didnt look hard enough. Ill have to look into that live cd. I have so many cds I always like getting into new bands that I havent bought their cds yet. I have to make lists now or else I cant find what I want!
Oblivious Maximus said:
Filthpig is alright, but it's sleep inducing in some parts.

Come on, why is everybody so hard on Filthpig? I dig it; Gameshow, Brick Windows, Lay Lady Lay (yes, that's right), Dead Guy, Lava, etc.

I first heard Ministry in 1986, With Sympathy, and I liked it; when I saw the video for Jesus Build my Hotrod with Gibby I was shocked. "This is fucking Ministry?!" In retrospect, Twitch, Land (I first heard Stigmata in the B-sci-fi movie Hardware)--these records, along with Skinny Puppy, pretty much founded the industrial dance scene of the late 80s/early 90s. "We work, we twitch" --groundbreaking. I'm into that stuff, so I dig it.
So far, I only have "Psalm 69/Ministry" and "House of the Mole". I absoultley love both of them! If your going to put anything on the air by them, I say go with anything off Psalm 69. I tried putting some songs off House of the Mole in my regular rotation, like "NO W" and "Warp City". They're great songs, but who knows, they may do better for you than me. I'm sure of it! :)