Minneapolis Mayhem Fest

Apr 24, 2002
Chicago, Illinois
Hey everyone,

Anyone attending the Minneapolis Mayhem Fest tonight to see Novembers Doom is in for a treat! I have unfortunatly fallen ill, and could not make the trip to Minneapolis, but instead of cancelling the show, as we did last weekend here in Chicago, the band decided to forge ahead, and play! Larry will fill in on vocal duties and there is a possibility (if they can talk him into it) Dan from Usurper will fill in on a song or two.

This is the very first time ND will be performing without me since the day the band started, and I hope someone tapes it, because I'd love to see it! And, if Larry does a better job, maybe i'll be replaced! :)

Im sorry I couldn't be there, but this seriously could not be helped. It's been a very difficult 2 months of illness for me, and hopefully, i'm at the tail end of it all.
You're a big walking germ, you know that? Seriously, you have some mega cooties there Paul. Like I have room to talk haha.

This would indeed be interesting to see, sorry I'm missing it.
First and foremost, Larry did a great job on the vocals.
Unfortunately, I showed up at the fest ALSO sick as a dog with a sore throat. As much as I would have loved to join the guys for 'With rue and fire' (which I know by heart, hehe) I just couldnt jeopardize ruining my already shady throat an hour before our set.
I was only able to see about 3 songs since we were on deck next in the staging area, but 'TPHD', and 'Not the strong' were crushers.
I hung out with the band and Jess, and... ah goddammit, I forgot Brian's girfriends name, (sorry) during the Dew Scented set, and we all had a laugh or three.
We had a great time, and I hope that Usurper and ND get to play some more shows together.... with you, sickboy!
It would have been great to have me, you and Joe Schaeffer all in the same place to show that success can happen to anyone... despite the fact that we all went to Morton West H.S. together.
Get better, my friend.
The show went pretty smoothly actually, Larry did a kick ass job filling in on such short notice. Crowd response was pretty bad ass, we got alot of horn throwing which was awesome. Meeting fans, and seeing great bands was a treat and made our stay this weekend that much more enjoyable, and less nerve-wrecking :grin: (tic-tac shots helped alot also). And we totally gotta do more shows with you Dan, hanging with you and the gang was great. \m/
It was nerve-wrecking but I got through it. It's been quite a while since I've fronted a metal band and going on with basically no time to really rehearse or anything really left things uncertain...but people generally were very cool about the whole thing and understanding when I explained how ill Paul was and that it really was a last minute thing. The previous week's gig (April 29th) had to be cancelled due to Paul's health, and during the week he seemed to be getting better but by Thursday night he took a major turn for the worse, and we were scrambling to figure out what to do and praying that he'd be well enough by Friday morning to still go, but when his temperature was still up over 102 degrees by Friday morn, we knew there was just no way, so rather than cancel, we decided to go and do it anyhow! I appreciate the support that everyone in the band and our friends and fans at the fest gave me, considering the circumstances. I'm certainly not the vocalist that Paul is but I guess it was still better than just playing instrumentals!!

We had a really good time hanging out and watching the other bands, including Usurper who really honestly tore up the fucking stage!! The people who were running the fest and working it were all very good to us and gave us no problems, and we'd be glad to go back and play for them again, hopefully under better circumstances on our end!

It's about 3 am Sunday morning and I just got done loading everything in, so it's off to bed for me.

P.S. yes, this show was filmed by a couple of people I'm told......once I've seen it and determined just how awful I was or wasn't, I'll let you guys know if you can see any of it haha
Wow, I missed all the excitement! I agree this performace would be cool to see if the band deems it's ok for our viewing. :)

I just rolled into town myself about 8am this morning. Unfortunately I wasn't in Minneapolis, but spent the last couple nights causing mayhem in Cleveland and Detroit to see the last two dates of the Soilwork tour. Whew.

Glad you guys managed to pull things off. You better start taking your vitamins!
2 minutes before ND started, Larry was unscrewing the tops of two water bottles, and I said quite clearly "look at Larry... center stage".
He looked up at me and mouthed the words "this sucks".
See ya Saturday at Nite Cap!!!
Hmmm...Larry singing lead...I smell DVD material here.
Seriously though, glad you're feelin better Paul, and yeah Dan...ND and Usurper would be cool together. That'd be an awesome tour, don'tcha think? And we could have Jess sing the female parts \m/
I can assure you, you wont be finding me up on any stage, dear Geoffrey!
Anyway, the show actually went pretty well....there were no serious technical difficulties, the band sounded great, and the crowd reaction was alright, too. Lemme tell ya, it was rather interesting seeing Lar up there! He was certainly nervous, but he did a good job. It ended up being a good time overall, and I finally got to see Dan sing for Usurper! You guys were fantastic, brother....totally got the crowd completely worked up, and into it. It was also the first time i got to see Brian actually up on stage, playing, not just in the basement practicing. He looked completely at home, and rocked out. And he wore the goggles! <3 Also, got to meet and hang out with Courtney, which was cool.....its just too bad Rami couldnt come out, Dan! I'm looking forward to the next show, and hope it goes as well, but of that I have little doubt. Hope you're feeling better, Paul!
Sweet Pandemonium said:
I can assure you, you wont be finding me up on any stage, dear Geoffrey!

Hey, a guy can dream, can't he? :cool:

and I'm not a Geoffrey...I'm just a Geoff dammit LOL. Although, you'd only be the 2nd person in existance I let call me that. And I'm not about to tell the first one she can't. I value my life thanksmuch
Well, I hope that whatever the final product of that taping is does NOT show Usurper's full set. I lost my mic cord for about 15 seconds at one point, and Rick's guitar took a complete dump and did not function at all for the final 3 minutes of our set.
BTW, we never agreed to be filmed.
Actually the label said it was ok from the email I got back from what I understand. But, if you want me to I can destroy the tape and it will never be shown to anyone.