"Mirror of Souls" reviews [updated list]

Hall of Metal 10/10
Metallinks 10/10
Noizegate music 10/10
Victoryzine 5/5
Lords of metal 97/100
Metal Integral 19/20
Imperiumi 9,5/10
Volumemax 9,5/10
Jesusmetal.com 4,6/5
Fury rocks 9,5/10
Melodic Rock Fanzine 95/100
Metal centre 9/10
Metal Glory 9/10
Sleaze Metal 9/10
Magic fire music 18/20
Venue music 9/10
Sea of tranquillity 4,5/5
Angelic Warlord 90/100
Metalfactory.ch 8,9/10
Whitemetal.it 88/100
Metal to infinity 86/100
Metal Revolution 86/100
Metal Hammer Germany 6/7
Scream magazine 5/6
Rock report 5/6
Babylon magazine 8,5/10
Heavysound.fr 8,5/10
La Grosse Radio 85/100
Staymetal 83/100
Powermetal.dk 82/100
Hardrock haven 82/100
Hard rock 80 82/100
Heavylaw 8/10
Metal bite 8/10
Metal zone 8/10
Metal temple 4/5
Hard rock house 8/10
Music in Belgium 4/5
Metal2metal 4/5
Rockingboy 8/10
Metal cd ratings 4/5
Danger dog 4/5
My personal review of MIRROR Of SOULS is an otherwordly 11/10, which barely beats out your debut disc at 10.5/10. I LOVE this album from beginning to end! Matt, you are definitely sounding a bit like Michael Sweet in places on this record, was that your intent? I must say you do a killer MS impression! The songwriting and lyrics are simply amazing and I've found myself becoming closer to Christ and the things of God as a result of listening to your music. You guys have been used by the Loprd to greatly minister unto my soul, and for that I thank God on your behalf.
Just updated the list above with some new review scores
Right on! I just want to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to all of you at Ulterium for signing Theocracy, making it possible for the whole world to now hear the gospel of Jesus Christ as expressed through their music! God bless you all! Thanks for keeping the metal flame burning!:rock::kickass: