Missing vials containing bubonic plague found

and in other news

seipptastic: I did the exercise bike instead of swimming today
seipptastic: it wore me out in a totally different way
seipptastic: a bad, tired way
indieradioisdead: damn... how long did you bike?
seipptastic: not nearly as long as you'd think
indieradioisdead: like what... 15 minutes?
seipptastic: 20
indieradioisdead: not bad
indieradioisdead: so, like... you swim on your lunch break?
seipptastic: yeah
indieradioisdead: TIGHT
seipptastic: yup
indieradioisdead: then you come back with wet hair?
seipptastic: yup
indieradioisdead: TIGHT!!!
indieradioisdead: that is soo tough
indieradioisdead: do you walk outside with the wet hair?
seipptastic: well, I wear a hat
indieradioisdead: pssshh... wuss
indieradioisdead: (post that... it's gold)
WHOA! I never even heard about this!

What kind of hat?