MISSISSIPPI BONES / need reamps done for new album

Jul 15, 2006
Kenton, OH
We Usually go through Eduardo Apolonia but he had something come up. So we are on the hunt for someone to do the main rhythm guitar tracks for our new record...There are 12 tracks total...
And the tone we are looking for is Corrison of Conformity the album Volume Dealer...So yhe if anyone is up for the job or if anyone knows anyone tag them in this post.

you can check out Bones's previous work here
https://mississippibones.bandcamp.com/ https://mississippibones.bandcamp.com/
sure, I´d do it :)
Do you have any preference on which amps / cabs to use, or just want it to come close to the release mentioned above?
There´s some real amps I could re-amp and come close, as well as Thermionik (which sounds really good too)

PM if interested (_)o