Mix challenge with a difference


Amiga Enthusiast
Oct 30, 2003
Nottingham, England.
Ok, so I've been speaking with a fellow audio friend who isn't too into the mixing side of things, but has a good ear, and we've decided to have a mix-off. I'm going to link him to this post and get him to sign up.

Now, the idea is for both of us to use the same raw tracks, and use Reaper (since it's multi platform, as my friend is on Mac and I'm on PC) without any additional plugins, to produce potentially, a CD ready track, fully mixed and mastered.

I'm looking for someone to donate some raw tracks of whatever style of music, for us both to work on, preferably recorded nicely, but also, however they may come, whether stereo stems, or raw individual tracks. The only difference will be our mixing environments (unfortunately) and our ears. This means all tracks will need to be amped already, so no reamping allowed as he does not have the equipment to do so.

The idea is to compare both our ideas of how something should sound sonically, and see which you guys like the sound of most. Although I am at an advantage with a better mixing environment as I have monitors, as opposed to my friends more hi-fi sounding speakers, I still think it will be very interesting, and I'm fully aware of the fact that I may get my ass kicked.

So if anyone could donate some tracks towards this, that would be great, as well as anyone wishing to donate their ear to decide which is best once both tracks are mixed.

Thanks in advance you guys.
I'm recording a thrashy hardcore band at the moment, if I get their permission I'll happily upload some stems all recorded at 44.1 on Focusrite 828's and Lynx converters.
They actually have a few things like this over on the Reaper forums (and I think extending to the gearslutz forums?). Someone uploads a song, everyone then uploads their mp3 and reaper project file. There was one really cool song over there that we could use - http://dl.dropbox.com/u/324723/DogEatDogWorld.mp3 was my quick/shitty mix of it.

Unfortunately I found Reaper really inefficient with large project files, the mix above I had to use Sonar because Reaper literally couldn't run it once I put a few plugins in.