Mix Check--->Groove metal, metal, various forms of metal?


Jan 27, 2014
Hey guys, I need to get a check for this band's EP which you can hear a track here. It's unmastered, so it's quiet.

https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6010620/spineless, June 27, 2015.mp3

lower double kick, more low end in guitars:

https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6010620/spineless, June 27, 2015 1.1.mp3

The band is fine with the mix, but obviously, anything sounds good after mixing for a while. I've spent a lot of time on this mix, and on other mixes I've lived in regret for things I could have done differently. I'd like these mixes to not be in that pile, for once.

This isn't a genre I'm used to working in, so any thoughts would be great!

Guitars are lacking body. Double bass parts are a bit obtrusive and need taming. Those were the two things that stuck out the most to me. That's just my opinion, though.
Thank you very much for the response.

The guitars are honestly annoying me a lot, mostly because I feel arrangement wise there may just be way too many guitars going on in the intro specifically (the band added them in later after tracking was completed), and the tracking wasn't that tight, making it sound thin and washy. The band didn't want me to produce though, so I regretfully didn't take as much of a handle on tracking as I should have. Definitely let stuff slide.

It's annoying to hear that they lack body because I'm already multicompressing the shit out of the guitars, and there is a lot of low end dialed in because I agree with you.

Does this sound better? I automated the kicks on double kick parts down 2db, also tried my best to make the guitars less thin. Again, it's pretty quiet.

https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6010620/spineless, June 27, 2015 1.1.mp3
Guitars sound a little better. I have to agree with you, since you brought up the arrangement of guitars. I didn't know how much of a hand you had in it and didn't want to come off as a jerk.

The double kicks, though, sound a lot better.

Overall, I'd say you did a great job with what you were handed.
Guitars sound a little better. I have to agree with you, since you brought up the arrangement of guitars. I didn't know how much of a hand you had in it and didn't want to come off as a jerk.

The double kicks, though, sound a lot better.

Overall, I'd say you did a great job with what you were handed.
Yeah, the arrangements for this band sometimes are just really odd, not what I would have done, but I tried my best I suppose.

Thank you for the help!