Mix critic for a metalcore band from Burma? (Texas in July, August Burns Red Style)


New Metal Member
Jul 12, 2013
Hi guys!

This is our latest song and we recorded and mixed it ourselves. Not a pro but there are not lots of metal mixing engineers from where i live so, i have to learn it for my songs to sound metal. Hence, any feedbacks, critics are welcome. Please help a little band from Myanmar, Asia. It would be much appreciated. Please give us like 5 minutes of your time :worship:

Song name is Eternal Dispute (It is not in english so, we are not screaming gibberish :lol: )

***A new revision is up. Please please please tell my what you think.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/6nl2omppvuwnyvj/Voices - Eternal Dispute Final Master.mp3

If you dig this, please give my band a like on Facebook.
Thanks guys! I will keep that in mind and make a revision.

Guitar is through tse x50 v2. I can't remember which impulse i used though. Then, subtractive eq on individual tracks. And x-cita on the rhythm guitar buss, followed by the stillwell rocket compressor and a little subtle eq.