Mix feedback - Give it a listen and tell me what you think

Hey not bad at all. I like that there is some motion in the mix; the way the guitars are mixed and played makes it pretty groovy. I'd say the composition helps also. Nothing is WRONG at all from what I can hear, the drums are good and occupy their proper spaces and the rhythm guitar isn't really shrill or honky at all. I can't exactly hear the bass, if there is any; I feel like it's there, but it's not THERE, if you get what I mean. That sort of goes for most of the low end in my opinion, I think you can be more liberal with that. This also contributes a bit to my next gripe...
The lead tone is a little awkward to my ears, probably because of the fact that there is (from what I feel) a bit too much empty space; the mix could probably use some more reverb or saturation or something of that sort, here and there. More low end would probably help too. Although, it is totally clear and that's more important I think.

Honestly if you haven't been doing this for too long, this is a pretty good job overall. As I said, no move you have made seems to be incorrect, but more can definitely be done, so good effort. I have tons of trouble mixing myself, so I'm not one to judge, but maybe my input means something.
Hey not bad at all. I like that there is some motion in the mix; the way the guitars are mixed and played makes it pretty groovy. I'd say the composition helps also. Nothing is WRONG at all from what I can hear, the drums are good and occupy their proper spaces and the rhythm guitar isn't really shrill or honky at all. I can't exactly hear the bass, if there is any; I feel like it's there, but it's not THERE, if you get what I mean. That sort of goes for most of the low end in my opinion, I think you can be more liberal with that. This also contributes a bit to my next gripe...
The lead tone is a little awkward to my ears, probably because of the fact that there is (from what I feel) a bit too much empty space; the mix could probably use some more reverb or saturation or something of that sort, here and there. More low end would probably help too. Although, it is totally clear and that's more important I think.

Honestly if you haven't been doing this for too long, this is a pretty good job overall. As I said, no move you have made seems to be incorrect, but more can definitely be done, so good effort. I have tons of trouble mixing myself, so I'm not one to judge, but maybe my input means something.

You're right. The bass was from a shitty midi Kontakt instrument, beacause my bass player is too lazy to show up. And the lead tone does need some delay and reverb. Thanks for the feedback !