mix for a Death metal band

V.I. Studios

New Metal Member
Aug 8, 2011
Please check out this mix. This is my first production ever so all criticism is appreciated :) thanks for checking it out.
the sound cloud is going to cycle through all the songs i recorded for this band

Note: all drum sounds were recorded and designed in the studio. No sample packs nor superior drummer.

decent mix, but hardly death metal XD

i'm digging everything but the drums....the kick could be a bit punchier, and the snare has too much thud for the lack of a better term....i'd give it more snap. toms and cymbals are OK.
hey they're the ones claiming to be death metal lol i don't listen to really "heavy" music. any ways, just so you know the sound they were going for was kind like Black Dahlia, i'm not sure how close i got or if i'm close at ALL. but the kick was one of the things i thought i actually got right. by punchier do you mean more clicky? or do you mean "feel it in the chest" type of punchier?