Mix for my band


Feb 8, 2006
Grenoble, FRANCE
This is the drums/guitars premix of one song I recorded/mixed for my band.
What do you think ?
I'm quite happy with the mix right now, waiting for the bass and vocals to come in to have a full image. The snare drum is a bit too fat and low middy but I'm currently tweaking it a bit.
Snare misses some room and bottom IMO

Guitars sound great!!!!

Alot of Snare-kick-snare-kick beats (here in germany we call that pogo-beat:) )

I would prefer more "darkest hour" drums like kick-snare-2xkick-snare
do you know what I mean? Like a punk-beat but for metal

Really good tones all around. The only thing that caught my attention was that the overheads/cymbals all seemed to be panned pretty far right.
i remember that song, u posted it allready 4 some tone test, right?
guitars sound good, but i guess you'll have to take a look at the low end when the bass comes in.
i like the kick! but not a huge fan of the snare >.<
cymbals are ok imo
great stuff!
Comparing with your previous work (Reamp test) with same song, I think your old snare worked better in the mix than this new. Just my 2 cents euros:worship:
Exept this, I like how your general drum tone work on the mix...
Thanks Eddy, here is a new mix, which I think is far better, the bass is coming very soon :

What do you think ?
The guitars are EQed better and the drums have more room/OHs, I worked on the snare too but i'm not really satisfied yet (a bit flat).
i cant remeber the how the snare was before, but now i think it sounds good. guitars and drums work good together!
do you have samples of the kick and the snare? i'd like to try them out if you dont mind...
cant wait to hear it with bass and vocals though \m/