Mix Help :)

ahahaha this is awesome XD

well i cannot help you soo much, but i would do the following:

- sounds like DFH on default settings, i would work with the bleed settings, e.q. toms + kick -> less room, bring up the snare and make it heavier, its paper thin.

- edit the drum a bit more using the midi map where you dial in everything you want the drum to play.

- then bring up the guitars, the voice in the beginning is very loud compared to the rest (but it sounds good, Halford ftw haha). the 2nd vocals part is imo okay, just bring up the guitars and maybe the bass to fill more.
ahahaha this is awesome XD

well i cannot help you soo much, but i would do the following:

- sounds like DFH on default settings, i would work with the bleed settings, e.q. toms + kick -> less room, bring up the snare and make it heavier, its paper thin.

- edit the drum a bit more using the midi map where you dial in everything you want the drum to play.

- then bring up the guitars, the voice in the beginning is very loud compared to the rest (but it sounds good, Halford ftw haha). the 2nd vocals part is imo okay, just bring up the guitars and maybe the bass to fill more.

thanks mate ! I'll have a crack at it this arvo