Mix help!

Randall Nasworthy

New Metal Member
Nov 4, 2012
I have a quick question. I was wondering if you all could help me. I don't know if this is an ok place to post this and I definitely don't want to step on anyone toes. But I'm sure you all will let me know if not.

Bare in mind that I am extremely new to this and this is my first recording ever.

I did an extremely quick mix just to see what it would sound like. And I realized the bass at this one part from the guitars overpowers the whole song and everything else fades behind it. http://soundcloud.com/randy-nasworthy/mixed-version-rough-mix

There's the link, if you could give it a listen. Its at the very beginning. You can see it where the transients swell. I was wondering if there is anything I can do about this or if I'll just have to rerecord it. Thanks for you help in advance.

Any other tips or advice on mixing or mastering would be appreciated also!
To get rid of that swell you probably on need to high pass the guitar at around 130 Hz to get rid of sub bass freqs. A compressor that only compress the low end could also fix this.
Other tips i can give you to improve the mix would be to use less gain and to raise the volume on the guitars because the drums are a bit too loud except for the bass kick that need a lot more punch to it.
Thanks that should help a lot. And I had the drums and everything perfect. I had to do a general mix of everything on the master. I'm using EZDrummer for the drums and when I started separating the drums and eq everything individually, the file corrupted and i lost all the drums and had to go in the file manually and restore what I could. I think it may have had something to do with EZDrummer but I'm not sure. But I will try what you said and see if it helps