Could anyone with Superior Drummer please help me out?


May 28, 2009
You guys probably get this a lot from people but, I was just wondering if anyone that had Superior could take my midi and just throw superior on there quick, and do a quick mix with the drums. Thats all I'm asking for, it would help a ton.

I want this to see how it sounds with my midi file so I could potentially buy it.
If someone could do this for me, it would help a lot! Thanks & Godbless.

Heres the midi:
it takes a little more work with superior drummer. You can't just take a midi file and have it play back in superior drummer unless you program the superior drummer drummap the same as the drum map from the program you used to program the midi drums.
Toontrack EZDrummer would be good for that, but it takes a little more work with superior drummer or Drumkit From Hell Superior(which is what I have)
Ah really? I have EZ but it's just, idk. I wanted to hear Superior.

How much more work? Would someone still help ? =\
Ill do it for you tonight. Ill just post a raw unmixed one for you.

Sweet! Thanks.
Edit; I don't want to sound like a Jackass, but could you just bring the vol up on the kick and overheads so I can practice with it recording over it? =)
Wow both sounded great, but completely different from eachother.

Is it hard to use? I would like to get it but if it's something I'm gonna get pissed at because I can't figure it out I don't know if I want to :P
ezdrummer MIDI is usually compatible with s2.0. ezplayer free (i'm pretty sure) has a map wrapper that'll allow MIDI from lots of other formats (BFD, addictive, even GM) and wrap it in real-time to whichever other format, including superior.
yeah i just listened to actual song on your myspace. i thought the midi was metal like everything else on here haha... hence the kick sound
close enough. The one i posted was 171 BPM, i used the drum kits from hell expansion in SD2. Its not hard to use, you just to know how to apply the eq's/compression etc etc to the drums. Get it, its pretty good.
Completely unrelated to what the OP had questions about however, I didn't want to create a new thread. I recently got pro tools 8 about 2 months ago and switched over from logic. Logic was easy as piss to set up superior in it and program (well programming was slow because I hated the piano roll in logic). But never the less, I could get sound. I have pro tools set up with the instrument and aux tracks and multichannel works (ie: when I click a pad in the construct, it fires the sample and all of the tracks direct and bleed work as they should). However, when I program midi on the instrument track, it doesn't trigger the sample. What the fuck is different from pro tools and logic? I've tried searching and everyone's problem in every audio forum is how to split each instrument to its own track. I have that, I just can't get superior to respond to midi (including a midi track I created and set the output to superior multichannel 1). I'm about to throw my computer out of the window without opening the window, someone please help and tell me I'm retarded and forgot to do something simple.
Yeah. You probably forgot to set the instrument or midi track input to s2.0.

I've done a similar thing in cubase before with drumagog. Check the main tracks INPUTS and outputs.
Well, I started digging in today and it seems like a problem that is completely independent to Superior. i Threw Vacuum on the same instrument track and not only does it read the midi data on the instrument track I wrote for Superior, my m-audio midi controller actually triggers sound in the plugin as well. I wonder if it's some wierd incompatibility between Windows 7 ultimate and superior 2.0. I have installed the 64-bit beta of superior however, this seems to be a feature that is not working both with toontrack solo as well as the rtas plugin, no midi. lame. I guess i will have to install 32 bit windows and hope that solves the problem. How dumb. But it is beta so I guess I can expect a certain level of incompatibility.

*edit - if there is anyone out there running 64-bit 7 and has superior working as intended, I'd love to know because maybe superior just didn't install correctly and won't require the hours i'd spend on throwing data over to a back up drive before wiping and reinstalling the OS.