Mix i did of my metal band!!!


Members Only Member
Apr 1, 2008
Osceola Mills, PA
hey everyone!!!!
My metal band 'Condemned Existence' recorded a song this past sunday for a metal compilation.
i finally have a full song to post that i mixed!!! It was recorded @ Face Off Music in Altoona, PA By Matt Winrick. I think he did a fantastic job. He recorded it in Pro Tools, and gave me the wavs to mix. I have Cubase SX3. I Spent a few hours each day messing with it, and i think it is almost done.
Id like to know what people here think about it, and if i should change something. thanks so much for reading and hopefully listening!!!
The song is called "Liars Among Us'

Dude, sounds like a pretty good start, Let me start by saying Im not a pro and Im just offering a different set of ears. Ive heard alot better around here and alot worse but I dont think you should call it finished yet, especially if this is going on a compiltation that people are going to make their first judgement about your band on. I would do something about those Hihats, they sound weird, I might try losing alot of the lows on them, and all the cymbals for that matter, I would recommend reading Daunts Faderwear guide on Drum Compression and Master bus treatment, It helped my drum sounds and mixes quite alot and your mix seems as if it could benifit from these techniques



I generally like the way the guitars sound but I think I would eq out some of those low mids and bring up some hi end sizzle, I would then work on getting the bass to pop a little bit in the subtracted guitar areas (there is a bass on this recording right ??), I think the vocals are pretty decent sounding for what your doing and wouldnt raise the volume on those at all, I hate it when growl vocals are put way in the front of a mix as if they really make the big difference in the song.
I think your source material is good though and your effort making this better will pay off, good luck and again its just my $.02