Mix in progress. Slate VCC / Blackstar/5150, Hardware etc..


Jun 20, 2007

So i thought i would post a mix in progress for some inputs. Ive been at it all day. I feel im almost done, except some edits etc and some automation.
I used Slate VCC on a couple of the AUX and the master bus but i dont know if i like it on everything. It kind of fatten things up on the expense of separation so i have to demo it allot more to get a grip of it.

I also tried my SSL clone with 10:1 ratio, about 0.5-1.5db of GR. I really liked it on that ratio got crazy punch in the mix so it will probably stay on like that ( i usually use 4:1)

We used one of the amps the band brought, a Blackstar (dont remember which model but he said it was their cheapest one).
So for guitars : Blackstar --> slaved 5150, Engl cab and a Marshall 1960 with greenbacks. We didnt use EMG on this one, but it kind of sounds like it.

I so wanted to use the real snare but it wouldnt cut it (to much bleed in the end) so the snare and kick is triggered.

Any comments are welcome, but keep in mind it is work in progress as i wrote earlier :)

The guitars sound too dark and are somewhat boxy.

Drums sound good but I think the kick and snare are too loud. The snare has an excessive ring that could be filtered out. Not necessarily to get rid of the ring altogether, but to get those annoying frequencies out. Also, the verb/room on the snare could go down a little in my opinion. It is almost distracting at points.

The vocals could use some delay.

Other than that sounds great!
Yeah... the guitars rly are too dark apart from the whole mix! And the snare is too loud (i like the ring). On which tracks did you use the VCC?
Your drums are always amazing! Can you share details (or a sample!) on that kick? Is it the same as on your Hello And So mix?

Other than that, I agree with everyone else. Individual elements sound good but it doesn't come together too well yet.
Im on new dt770 headphones but i kinda like the guitar tone. Its dark but cuts and seems to work well. Drums and vocals sound great. Any details you care to share?


Yeah their was some levels that needed to be set. I really compressed the hell out of that snare (parallel comp) and ive already gated a bit of the ring already haha :) But you can listen know and see what you think. I think it is quite ready for mastering now, i have sent my last 4 projects to professional mastering so i know what to aim for level vise :)

About the drums.. Their is one kick sample i used in both Helloandso mix and this one, kind of hard for me to stay away from that meaty bastard haha. The snare is one ringy sample + a smash sample. I really wanted to use the real snare but the leakage from the rest of the kit was to much when i tried to compress it.

VOX: I used my Peluso 2247LE on both screams and clean vocals. 1176 all buttons in, compressed until the needle stands still. Then i have delay, doubler and reverb on send to mix to taste. That is about it. Im always ranting about the Peluso being awesome and it truly is. Just cut 3-4db in the mid range (around 800hz) and im done.

I used VCC on Drum buss, guitar buss, vox buss and master buss. Didnt use it on the rest of the channels (which you are supposed to do) have to wait for Audiosuite plugin because my computer couldn't handle it.

Sounds cool, but I would love to hear some more bass guitar in the mix.
And the kick is pumping the mix very hard (extremly at the start) Maybe sidechain the comp?

good work

Pumping, really? Well im gonna lay of some of the master bus compression before i send it to mastering, just did some fast "mastering" so that is probably that. Thanks for listening btw!!