Mix is horrible, or am I tripping?


New Metal Member
Mar 3, 2013
I made a small little sample mix so don't egg on me for my sloppiness in the track. I recording it twice. Once, using an SM57 on a mesa boogie cab and peavey 6505+ head

then I recorded it again using the digital distortion available using EZmix2.

I've had ezmix for a while now, but I wanted to start getting into actually micing up my stack. I think both of these tracks just sound like crap. Any tips? also why might I be having just problems mic'ing up my cab, and trying to make it sound decent?

by the way, just two guitars hard left hard right on both tracks. drums are EZ drummer
The sound isnt crap dude. Is there a bass in the mix, probably not right? If not, well there´s one problem solved. A guitars "beef" and fatness usually comes out real nice when the bass guitar is added. I always mix my guitars with the kick and bass going at the same time. Then i solo my guitar, and it sounds like crap all by itself. But when in the mix, it sits real nice. I recommend adding bass, if you haven´t yet.
Another thing you can try out is different mic setups. Try 2 57´s, 1 straight on the cone, and point one directly at the dustcap-meets-cone area, and point that one off axis towards the cone. (has a less harsh tone than the first mic). Fool around with those 2 signals, and you should have something useful to work with. Dont forget to spend alot of time trying out different amp settings, maybe a tube screamer and a noisegate to tighten up etc. Even put your ear on the best speaker of your cab and just listen where it sounds best, and that´s where you place your mic.
No!. It's not so bad as you throw it here. I think muddy comes from kik and snare wich is simple don't have appropriate Hi's and some bite there, relatively guitars and cymbals presence. Just replace your sample especially kik