mix of short instrumental - comments wanted


Mar 16, 2006
Houston, TX
Finally finished up this short little instrumental. It's the second part of my project I'm working on little by little. It was mixed late last night, with headphones, after many hours of working. A bad thing to do, I know. Any comments, suggestions...other than "hire new musicians" :), or criticisms are welcome! I already know the drum programming is terrible, I completely suck that. :) Guitar tone? Overall mix? After hearing it this morning, I think I need to brighten the melody guitars a little. (?)

A special thanks to Dimitar for that insane solo at the end! That is PERFECT. You must have read my mind! :) You ROCK! :rock::notworthy


Thanks guys!!

As a little background, the project putting the short story "The Tell-tale Heart" to music. The first two songs are just mood setting instrumentals. The rest of the songs will be vocal songs (if I can find a singer).

I've posted the first song before, it can be heard here: http://www.upload.celtiaproductions.co.uk/uploads/Prologue_Mix_1.mp3
if interested. It still needs a few tweaks when I have time to get back to it.

EDIT: fixed links
The rhythm tone sounds like Dream Theater's "Lie" Very impressive stuff for an amp sim! I like the first lead, the second lead could be brighter, fatter & louder.

Drums really don't do it for me that much. Especially the snare. Perhaps you can play with the dynamics to liven it up?

Thanks Oz! Yes, that was an ampsim. Two tracks Wagner Sharp, two tracks Revalver Kitty. And get this...played on a Fender Strat Deluxe Plus with stock lace sensor pickups. :) Just because I was too lazy to change the tuning on my guitar with floating trem. My lead stuff was pure Wagner. Dimitar (Blackbird on this forum) used pure Revalver for his solo at the end. You're right about the guitars. My ears were tired and fried when I mixed this.

I struggle with drums the most. I was TRYING to use Masterplan "Aeronautics" as my model because I love that whole production. I know I've still got some tweaking to do.

Thanks for the comments and input!!
Yes, heavily ripped off. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, right? :) It's just for my own crappy little project that I've been kicking around in my head for several years and decided it's time to finally do something with it. Just for my own personal fufillment/frustration. :)
Oh heck yeah! I make no claim to being a good musician/songwriter. :) Just a hobbyist. It's what I "heard" when I was thinking about the song, so that's what got used. Any comments on the guitar sound/mix? This whole project will never go public. I'm just doing it so I can finally call it done. The rest of the songs will be vocal songs (if I can find a singer) and will be a bitch to record. They're complex songs and probably beyond my limited guitar abilities. We'll see. :)
Sounds good to me , especially that lead tone ; it sits well in it's own little spot . The kick KIND of annoys me, it's got a little too much point for MY tastes , but that might be what you want. That solo is pretty rippin too.
Thanks for the comments! Any feedback...good or bad is welcome. It's the only way to learn! Another big thanks to Dimitar (Blackbird) for that smoking solo. I just asked him to go wild on it and play whatever he felt. I couldn't have asked for it to come out any better! I've become a big fan of his playing and songs.
Thanks guys. It's probably the first time I've been really happy with my recorded guitar sounds (thanks to some great tips around here!).

For the solo sound, Wagner was set to: Low cut - 9:00o'clock, hi cut - 3:00, gain - 3:00, bass - about 11:00, mid - about 1:00, freq - 12:00, treble - 2:00. No tube screamer or overdrive (I don't have access to one anymore) in front of Wagner. I just boosted the guitar signal on the interface preamp and used the hi/lo cut in Wagner to tighten up the sound a little.

For impulses, I used Voxengo Boogex and GuitarHack's Mesa Trad Quad Edge.

Oh, and Morley Bad Horsie (original) wah pedal.
Kjaerhus classic chorus, for just a light touch of chorusing, and two instances of classic delay. One in stereo ping-pong (1/4 notes) and another set to mono, analog style (1/8 notes)...just barely in the mix. Reverb, just a little bit of a hall reverb from Waves RVerb on the stereo delay. Oh, almost forgot, the track is also duplicated and pitch shifted down an octave.

Hoping to do something better with those drums this weekend if I can find time.