Mix of some demo work im doing for my band


Sep 1, 2009
Northwest Burbs of Chicago, IL
Hey guys, been lurking here for a long time, but this is my first post.
Cant tell you how much I appreciate all the pointers i've read!

Drums are DKFH, so go easy on me there.
Only thing really done there is a bit of verb on the snare track.

Guitars are an LTD EX direct. Using a mix between the SoloC, LE456, and the Dirthead amp sim.
Catharsis Impulses.

Bass is an Ibanez 4 string direct w/ a bit of the Stillwell 1973

Clean vox are into a 4040, and screaming was a mix between a SM7 and 58.

Using mostly stillwell plugins.

Let me know what you think.


The voice is being buried by the guitars. Low them a bit. After that if the vocals still dont fit the mix, cut some mids in guitars.