Mix of the day


More cowbell!
Aug 24, 2011

A song I just mixed today for the new album of a band. Some processing on the master bus + clipper and limiter for an easier listening. What could be improved to your ears? Thanks.


Sounds great, nice and chunky.

Vocals are a little low in level and dry for my tastes. Definitely wouldn't go for anything too long but it'd be nice to hear them in some kind of space. And I know its metal but I haven't the first clue what language they are even in (let alone the words), so if there is any way of bringing out the intelligibility that would be worth it. The tones are all nice and well balanced but it'd be nice to have some contrast with the occasional interesting texture.

The only other thing I'd look at is to try and automate between the sections more drastically - the mix sounds nicely balanced but the arrangement/production is fairly static sounding and becomes a bit boring to listen to. More varieties in level would certainly help keep things interesting. FWIW I've been using the avid control iPad app to do my automation and I really love the workflow; could be worth looking at that.

Nice work!
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Overall really good, I think the drums especially sound great. My only real issue is pretty much what Ed already said, vocals are unintelligible (probably not much you can do about that anyways), and also the drums might be a bit too loud in relation to the guitars and bass but that's more a matter of taste really.
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Thanks a lot gentlemen!

@Machinated: Your comment is full of smart advices ;) I'm always too shy on vocals. What you said makes sense to me, I'll work on that. Also agreed on the automation work. I think the mix is just a bit fresh.

@DanLights: I mixed the guitars a bit louder in the first place but I thought it was lacking of punch. But still, will look at that tomorrow :)

Oh and the guy sings in english hehe..
+1 on the burried/too quiet vocals.
I first had the impression they lacked of compression, but maybe they're just too low and lacks ambiance as Ed said.
I also agree on the static impression, I kinda lost focus on the song after a few minutes.
Otherwise very good work, love the vibe and energy !
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Thanks man! I worked on the vocals but damn, I find they're very loud. I have to improve my listening skills on that. I also tried to make the song a bit more interesting...


They're sounding a little loud to me now.... The mix does benefit from having them more as the centre of attention but the level/EQ isn't quite there for me. I LOVE my auratone for balancing vocals especially - I know if I can hear every word clearly through that shitbox then its in a good place. Maybe try setting it in mono at a lower volume? If the vocal is constantly either too loud or too quiet then start to look at EQ. The ambiance on the vocals definitely helps - maybe add a bit more predelay to it to help preserve some clarity.

These are tiny tweaks but I'd still like to hear the Rh Gtrs pushed up a bit more on "riff" sections to grab my attention. It'd also be interesting to hear what a top end boost over the whole mix would do, and maybe a hair more bottom on the kick.
Thanks for listening Ed. I finished the mix a few days ago, and almost finished the revision tour. I'll post a mastered song when the project is 100% done. The band asked me some very minor things but it includes the removal of some cool effects I like a lot.. Well that's the game!