Mixing drum samples and


Used by Protools
Dec 26, 2005
Detroit, MI
Just curios how everyone goes about this.... Lots o questions for ya

Do you use like 2 different tracks with drumagog on each channel and adjust faders in daw to blend?

Do you just use 1 track and run a couple drumgog's plugins on that 1 track and blend using blend knob?

Also when blending in the original drums toms, snare ext.. Do you guys usually gate the drum to lose Mic bleed?

Do you do eqing and compression on original drums toms, snare ext.. then like buss to drumagog and blend from there??

Just wondering how everyone goes about this stuff...

I'm planing on using 3 drums like original and 2 samples? I know I'm gonna wanna eq and compress and i think gate the original drums and really wondering how would be a smart and efficient way to do this kinda thing.
Maybe I do it wrong, but I will build the blended sample before I even load it up into Drumagog. I'll load up a session and just load in the samples I want and blend till I like. Render a couple different velocities and then import and test in Drumagog with the snare trigger track. See how it sounds on single hits and quick rolls. If needed, go back and adjust the blend on the samples in the first session. I just fear that too many drumagogs would cause alignment issues like crazy.
that sounds kinda interesting never even thought of it like that. When you say render a couple different velocities do you mean like bounce to disk as a wav file at different volumes like a couple db quieter??

Or however you go about that I'm kinda curios to know...
or you take original snare and get a couple different hits that very in volume? and use to trigger/mix samples and just bounce each one individually to a wav file after blended to taste?
When using a real drum track - I'll take 6-8 different hits at different velocities and then blend the samples in with each until I like it. Each hit is then rendered as a different wave file and I label their velocity and then import into drumagog and save the whole thing as a GOG. If I am using ONLY samples - sometimes depending on what the samples are being used I might have a single sample that has more crack than the others. I will bring that sample down a couple db for the quieter hits (maybe up to -3 db). This gives the impression of a softer hit because there isn't as much crack to it. Again, this is just how I do - doesn't mean I'm doing it right. It just works well for me.
Once I make the wav's of the individual hits and import them to Drumagog and make a GOG file, I just insert it into the original track and set the drumagog parameters where I see fit. Once I do that, I then compress the track post drumagog. For me, my thinking is that I use Drumagog with the miked drum tone to form the actual "full drum tone" itself and then from there that combination gets compressed as if it were the sole instrument, if that makes sense.
I duplicate the track (if I don't have a trig-track already)... 100% sample on the copy. Then I just process the duplicated track and blend using the faders. If there are any mistrigger I cut+copy+paste from the original track to the trig-track and process that section again. Since Cubase SX1 don't compensate for latency I always have to move the processed track back a few ms. And because of this I cant use the blend-knob
I use Nuendo, and I don't have a problem at all. I would htink it would be similar to Cubase. Also, you can check the box for auto align in Drumagog and for me that usually takes care of it, if I'm having slight latency issues.
Well my first project (witch featured only the kick with a sample added) it was probably 60% sneap kick to 30% original kick. And yes I did mix the original the original kick had some eq and compresson on it. The mic sucked though and the original sample wasn't very good. The rest of the kit was natural and mixed as normal. I also pulled out all the bleed from the toms since they were only hit a couple of times. Then fallowed Andy's advice for eq, compresson and reverb (although majority of the people on the board are so much better at this).
when you blend samples to you pitch them to the same tone in drumagog??

Like if one kick is lower and one is higher do you pick one and match other to it? I tried to blend 2 toms together and i got some weired ring from being different tones or tuning.
you could pitch shift it the same.......or you can use them to compliment each other for an example.....like on your kick .....you could use your main kick for the thud and bottom of the kick .....and then use andys for the smack or click whatever you want to call it....then use the faders to get a nice even level ....then you could group those together(main kick track and drumagog track ) compress it and all the other yummy stuff....

but i really dont know anything
I've yet to blend more than one sample into a track actually. I think if I ever were to do it, It'd be manual, in the DAW. If I got lazy, I would likely directly process the original drum track with drumagog, and then process it again.

I always use Drumagog with direct processing as opposed to real-time. It saves quite a bit of CPU power, and also lets you really get in there and tweak the plug-in for various sections of the song, without having to screw around with automation.
when you blend samples to you pitch them to the same tone in drumagog??

Like if one kick is lower and one is higher do you pick one and match other to it? I tried to blend 2 toms together and i got some weired ring from being different tones or tuning.

For toms, I try to tune the drumagog samples to the drummers actual tom pitch (unless I made my own samples of the drummer's own kit), but I don't really bother for the bass drum. For the BD, I use the mic signal for the low end and the samples for the smack or high end (like someone else mentioned). It's easier for me to get the thump sounding good than it is to try and get a nice smack. Plus, I'm limited to 8 inputs for recording drums, so using multiple mics on single drums is usually out of the question.
Does anyone use Battery to layer samples? I don't know much about recording and I'm just learning and glad to have found this site and you fine helpful people.

I use Battery to trigger my midi data off the timeline. In Battery you can assign multi cells to hit at the same time. I sometimes have 3 or 4 different snares triggering at once and adjust blend in Battery. Is this wrong?

I just can't figure out the outputs in Battery. I know there is 32 output channels but not sure how to use them in PT so, I just use it on the 1-2 default.

Anyone who knows how to use the outputs on Battery please clue me in. :loco:
were does batery rank with like dfhs? they are the same type program right? I just really want some more samples to work with:headbang: