fake overheads for drum samples?


Apr 21, 2011
Just a random question here, but everyone knows how to make a "drum room sound" with some verb on a bus, but has anyone tried making "fake overheads"?

I've made fake drum bleed in the past, set the drum (say a snare) to a bus, and have the input of that bus on a new track, set the rest of the close mic drums lower (with hp and lp filters on) and print it. Not the best explanation but i've gotten great results using this.

So just out of curiosity i was wondering if i could load the tracks to a stereo track, set some hp and maybe transient designers to bring out attack/lower sustain? and blend it with the cymbals.

Thoughts and opinions? don't be too brutal on me... :D
sounds a bit convoluted to me and borderline unnecessary, haha. just use your room mic tracks to breathe life into the drums.

if you need a little more 'life' injected into the OH's, send them to a buss with some type of room algo verb (Valhalla VRoom is awesome for this) and just hp/lp/distort that slightly to add some air and life to the OHs...

at least, that's what I would do personally.
I've had to do this before just to get more life in a programmed track (I don't have Superior/SSD/What have you, I sample by hand)

The way I ended up doing this was to pan the entire kit the way I liked it, after assembling the entire song, then drop the kick out alot, and then drop the snare/toms down to a fairly audible but not over powering level, then run everything to a main bass and throw a verb on it, then render down to split two track.

It'll do the trick in a pinch...

Note: This is alot easier if you have overheads from another project to listen to so you can get a feel with how it would normally sounds with just the oh mics soloed.