Mixing drums like a bau5

Jun 14, 2009
...but seriously, I'd like some feedback on this.

The room I recorded in was not the best.
Drummer was fairly/very consistent in his hits; however, I had to do a lot of tom editing due to the bleed from the cymbal and sympathetic vibrations.
Lots of sampling too.

This is just the drum track, I'd just like a bit of feedback on the general sound (this is getting rerecorded within the next couple months).

I don't know what the sonic goal of this is, but since you're posting on the sneap forum I guess it's supposed to sound like produced commercial metal. If not, I think it sounds really cool.

But if that's the case, I think it sounds very roomy. Especially the kick, plus it also has a lot of 300 Hz that could be removed aswell. But I don't think this kick would get through very well in a track with more stuff than just the drums. (even if I would probably love it if it didn't come through very well, but then it's not commercial sounding metal any more imo).

It's hard to judge how just a drum track would sit in a mix, but yeah. I think it could be less roomy and in general more ballsy mixed. I barely noticed the toms either. Just slamming the shit out of everything with some parallel compression make help it coming through better if it doesn't in a mix.
The band whose drum track this is has a really odd sound.
It's like a post-hardcore meets deathcore vocals kind of thing.

IE: Guitarist influenced by Fall of Troy, Drummer by Parkway Drive, Vocalist by PWD and JFAC.

Too much 300hz? Hmm...I've already scooped that, but I'll take another look at it. And I'm assuming you meant bussing everything to a main drum buss and PCing that?
Yeah I mean sending the main drum bus to an extra aux and compressing it parallel. (With a quite long attack time so the drums all become more punchy. And if you have to slam it so hard that the OHs start pumping, you can always just bus the kick, snare and toms to this bus instead of the whole drum bus, you get the point)

As for the 300 Hz, if you're using room mics it could be in them, but it could also be something that gets solved by boosting stuff that isn't at 300 Hz. Like adding more click and perhaps some bottom.

(However, I think the drums do sound cool, I would even prefer this kind of roomy sound with a little bit of 300 Hz in the kick etc over the cookie cutter drum sound that is the norm, but judging from the influences the band has I think they want the conventional style)
The drummer was really happy with how everything sounded.
I'm still going to work on it though.
Just about to try that PC trick.