mixing harmonies


May 7, 2007
I tried a search, but after a bit of looking I was like screw it, taking too long.

I'm kind of down with doing 2 gits left and right that are playing the main part and a 3rd git with the harmony part panned like 5-10% left or right, sorta like a solo.

When I've done it so the main line is on one side and the harmony is on the other, I didn't have that good of results.

Do you find you do mostly 3rds or a variation? 3rds seem to always work for me.

Depends on the riffing, if it's ATG style harmonic riffing i wouldn't use the 3'rd guitar.

If it's more a lead/melody thing then i'd record a 3'rd and 4'th guitar which would be panned 30%, and the rythm guitars below them panned 100%

just my 0.02