Mixing/Master help!


New Metal Member
Jul 28, 2008
Hey guys!

just started reading this forum constantly bout 2 months ago, and you all seem like pretty cool people so yeah here it goes:

My band has been playing around alot of live shows lately and were getting really into the shit! we only have to small problems: NO fuckin cash, NO fucking recording skills!

So we took all we had and spent it on a presunos and some OK microphones like SM57,SM58 an OK condenser and some shure drum mics.

So Ive now reached to the point of finishing mixing with one of the tracks going to be on the demo but I have NO CLUE WHATSOEVER what to do with mastering as i am a complete noob with no money or resources.

I basically wondered if any of you guys were interested in helping me mastering this shit? I cant pay you but.... haha, youll get good karma!!!

If any of you guys wanna help a norwegian recording his band in an old barn speak up!

Give me some mixng tips first eh?
(c) copyright 2008 In Shadows Reign

EDIT: the track is going to fade out when the laughing erupts so thats why the drums/guitars/bass ends at random ponits at the end
Id love to try this out for practice:)
Im not all that great either but its still nice to try.
Up load the tracks and I'll see what I can do
I'd first put up a sample of the mix itself. There's a good chance there are things in the mix that should be corrected prior to mastering. Keep in mind, while mastering can improve a sound - it can't fix problems in the mix.
could you hand me your E-mail? I can pass you the link once I get the mix going?

BTW: thanks dude
Ive added some reverb to it and shit! if i get the screaming to up close i feel like its dominating the whole mix:/
any tips?

I have recorded with a SM57 and a condenser a few feet a way.. so i guess i can downplay the condenser a bit and turn down the verb and rely more on the SM?
sure way to tell if there is too much room sound on your vocal tracks: you can hear the singer fart during the recording, and it "cuts" through the mix. you can mix that track on genelecs and it will still stink.:zombie:

place one mic in front of the singer, and one on his bum bums. this is called the pooman technique (do i smell a sticky?)
hahahah! this is funny to me as farting does occationally happen alot during screams :rofl:

But seriously tho I did play up the SM57 now and it sounded so much better!

Anyone wanna give me some more tips on stuff?
Ive added some reverb to it and shit! if i get the screaming to up close i feel like its dominating the whole mix:/
any tips?

I have recorded with a SM57 and a condenser a few feet a way.. so i guess i can downplay the condenser a bit and turn down the verb and rely more on the SM?
kill the reverb, bring the vocalist back to the mic. then remix with dry vocals....then bring the reverb up juat a tad until you barely hear it
haha Fucking fart jokes.. gotta admit I love em!!

Well dude! myspace wasnt bad at all dude! got any tips for my mix that does not include micing the anus? :rofl:
ye i know but doesnt work so well when you scream pretty loud and the mic kinda clips like hell... (its a pretty low end condenser)
even with a really cheap condenser, the mic itself sholdn't clip...even cheap mics have SPL of 120+db, which is a volume level that's pretty much unattainable by the human voice

$5 says you're clipping the preamp or converter, not the mic
even with a really cheap condenser, the mic itself sholdn't clip...even cheap mics have SPL of 120+db, which is a volume level that's pretty much unattainable by the human voice

$5 says you're clipping the preamp or converter, not the mic
exactly.....the best way to get the proper signal is to turn the preamp/converter all the way off and the gain on the input track on your daw all the way off and your input fader set at -0db. now first on your preamp check the mic until you clip then pull backtill you dont clip.....then on your daw bring up your input gain until you're at -3db and you never clip and there you go, you got a good signal.
well i can make the mic not clip that way sure! but it gives me like this weak ass breathy sound by itself..
I find SM57 or 58 ands more of a punchy tone to the thing basically.. feels like the mic works great for clean vocals as it seems to add a sound that reminds me in a way of reverb just wierd warmth thing :rofl: ( yeah i know Im teh newb)
well i can make the mic not clip that way sure! but it gives me like this weak ass breathy sound by itself..
I find SM57 or 58 ands more of a punchy tone to the thing basically.. feels like the mic works great for clean vocals as it seems to add a sound that reminds me in a way of reverb just wierd warmth thing :rofl: ( yeah i know Im teh newb)
the sound you're hearing is your room....if you're recording vocal in a hollow untreated room, you're gonna get natural room reverb.
yup yup...even with a cardioid pattern and low gain, you'll end up picking up a lot of shitty room reflection

i mentioned it here before, but i'll say it again...a while back i set up my AT 4033 in the middle of my bedroom. then i walked into the rejection region of the mic, as far away as i could get(maybe 7 ft. or so) and snapped my fingers, and the mic picked it up clear as day.