mixing/mastering service

no worries, he won't be posting on this board again.
Luring bands into a studio by making false promises, charging for "management" and then talking bad about the clients, admitting that he (the engineer/producer) didn't put any effort in because he thought the band sucked?...fuck no, Sneap forum doesn't support scammers.
I hope many people will read these threads (especially the one linked above), makes me fucking angry when people are giving our business a bad name with shit like that
It's so great that when you type chin music studios in google, said thread from this board is the 4th result. Never underestimate the power of the internets
Originally Posted by JBkobraproductionz View Post
Johnny here from chin music studios, very dissapointed to find this post but you can't please everybody I guess. All the good bands that come to me that isn't There for record deal gets a great product. And ya ya ya, the beds suck, it's messy ... Wah wah wah, cry about it, these bands aren't paying to stay there so I could make them sleep on the streets where all the drug deals and shootings happen. I'm sorry to all the bands that thought we would rollout a red carpet when they get there but we didn't . And if the recordings weren't up to par, it's because the band wasn't up to par, I only make effort when a band gives me a good vibe and if they are a solid band. if u wanna hear good work from me then go to my page myspace.com/kobraproductionz
that's where I post bands that I've done that dont suck balls

haha, he has the big ass 48 channel SSL Duality in the background most likely to distract that he actually has nice gear to track the bands, but when you go and check out the pictures, the reality is that he has the smallest Toft ABT mixer that you can get for less than 5000.