Mixing my first band Need Help!!!


Jun 6, 2007
Hey guys need your opinions on this mix im doing for a local band.


I think the snare sucks it sound realy thinny and whimpy realy demo sounding. Ive boosted around 250 and 8000 and it cuts in the mix fine but the tone just sucks it needs to be fatter any thoughts on what to do here?

Also im not sure about my use of verb on the drums and snare what do you guys think?

This is my first mix for someone else so im finding it a bit difficult. I tracked all the instruments myself the drums didnt come out great so i sample replaced the toms and kick with the samples sneap posted here. The snare is the original which is probably why i hate it so much.

Any help you guys can give me would be realy appreciated:headbang:
Wow, those guitars in the intro are REALLY annoying - I know that's the musical decision of the band (and thus not yours), but uggghhhh, DO NOT WANT. I know what you mean about the snare, but I don't think it's that bad, I've heard WAY worse. You could try parallel compression, as well as blending in a sample to thicken it up. I like the cymbals, good definition and stereo spread (though perhaps a bit too loud). Kick is cool too, and the toms are sweet as well (especially in that fill right before the chorus comes in). The drums in general seem a bit dry, though, so I think more verb would help, and the vocals have an annoying frequency that I can't quite pin down; some delay on them would help a lot I think, cuz they sound like they're sitting on top of the mix rather than in. Oh, and the solo at 3:05 or so is too loud, ESPECIALLY when it first comes in, jesus.

Guitars are pretty cool, but need more gain IMO, they sound a little anemic this way. Is this your Powerball?
Thanks for the Tips Marcus:kickass: -

The guitars are double tracked with the powerball on one side and the duel recto on the other. There is also some parralel compression on the rythem guitars and i also copied the D.i's and applied an amp sim to the left and right rythems using a ts emulation wagner mkii and Guitarhack impuse and blended this in with the miced amps.

I know what you mean with the sound being kinda undergained a little :mad: oh well live and learn.
I can hear the room coming through in the snare, maybe the overheads. Use some verb to make it sound a little bigger.

Bass guitar is pretty loud, I'd bring that down.

Otherwise, +1 to Marcus. Oh, and this is a very workable mix. Keep working on it and it'll sound great.