MJR and his sound!


New Metal Member
Nov 21, 2002
Newbury Park
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I just bought a Line 6 Vetta which is an awsome modelilng amp. Symphony X is one of my favorite bands and I love MJR's sound but i have no idea how to get it. I know that he uses a POD pro. and that is made by Line 6 and he has some Mesa Boogie stuff and my amp also models that stuff. But if anyone is familar with his settings/sound some help would really be good. Im looking to get a really close sound for his solos and rythem. They are so unique I just love them. SO if anyone could help I would really appericate it.
I don't own it myself, but my friend does. When I checked it out at his place, he got really close sound to Romeo's. If I can remember settings were something like Mesa Triple Rectifier model with treb and mid on 3 o'clock, bass zero, drive on full and compressor was turned on. It's basically the same as on the POD, I think.
I have a POD pro and there's a few sounds I've got that sound like MJR. The modern hi gain (Soldano) model sounds good on it's own and has a very nice 'crunch' to it. It sounds AMAZING for playing King of Terrors (and I mean amazing!) but it doesn't cut through very well with a full band (even with the treble and prescence up, the mids up and the bass down low).

The other thing I've got that sounds very much like MJR is the Dual Rectifier stack model. Try this out but remember to keep the bass low, prescence and treble up high and the mids too. Work with this while playing along to a backing track or something and it should come together.

I read (from Yngvai X) that he borrowed an Engl head and also used a Dual Rectifier and his POD pro for The Odyssey. If I ever meet him I'll ask what type of settings he uses.
Guys thanks for all the tips, but if you would like I could still use some more help. The compressor on the vetta is crazy and ive never used one before so i have no idea what to do with thta so if you guys could help me out with some compressor settings that would be great. Also I was wondering if someone could give me the complete rundown on how MJR uses his guitar cause i really cant find any information about it. Like what pick up settings he uses and the settings that he has on his amps and stuff like that. So anyone could help me that would be great.
...always keep in mind, that it's a very, very good thing to have your OWN sound too. Six million people are pulling their hair off just to find MJR sound... I sure hope all of you have already found your own, distinctive soudn with lots of character.

Not that MJR-sound isnt good, it is! Don't mean that... But I don't think it is the best in the world. There is no such thing as a perfect sound. The quest for sound should, in my opinion, be about trying to find your OWN sound.
Originally posted by Jaska Jokunen
...Six million people are pulling their hair off just to find MJR sound...

WOW How popular are SX where you live? :lol: ;)

I understand your point totally about getting your own sound but I always hear that from someone in these kind of posts and I have my own sound I just like to experiment by playing around with sounds similar to people I listen to (especially when jamming along).
I agree with Metropolis. I have my own sound but I also like to mimic other peoples sound because its fun to jam with and experiment with and incooperate into MY own sound. But no hard feelings im sure you didnt mean it as an insult. I was wondeirng if mabye someone could post the link from the esp site that shows MJR's guitar. I cannot find it on there but I can find it on ebay. I feel so stupid:(
...and there is always someone complaining :) (me, in this case)

No, I didn't mean it as an insult. I agree to you both, that jamming and such is even more fun and gives some xtra kicks when your playing with a sound that is ...well, you know.

And _my_ sound is still in the developing department... *embarassed* Well, actually, I think I've found it - no matter what noises I pull out of my amp, I end up using the same sound after an hour or two. Visit our page for samples(!)

Nice that things are in order here... GFSM (Global Forum Sound Marshall = me?) is now off to new adventures... ;)