MNEMIC - The Audio Injected Soul

Evil C.

Jan 19, 2003
houston, tx
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MNEMIC The Audio Injected Soul
Nuclear Blast

1 Dreamstate Emergency
2. Door 2.12
3 Illuminate
4 Deathbox
5 Sane Vs. Normal
6 Jacks Vegas
7 Mindsaver
8 Overdose in the hall of fame
9. The Silver Drop
10. Wild Boys

I know FEAR FACTORY. And, you sir, are no FEAR FACTORY. That is how I feel when listening to the brand new MNEMIC album. I know there will be a lot of people out there who will dig this, and I am definitely not one of those. Some of this can be somewhat catchy, but just as forgettable at the same time. I need something to stick with me long after I have listened. The songs just don’t ever really seem to go anywhere. I found myself bored most of the time, and that is something I just can’t afford to feel when listening to music. The vocals range from the harsh Gothenberg style, and combined with some uninspired clean melodies. There is almost one redeeming factor in their semi decent cover of “Wild Boys” from DURAN DURAN, but even that seems to fall flat.

This album just leaves me with that been there, done that feeling. The songs all have that, “Where have I heard that before?” feeling to them, and that just doesn’t quite cut the mustard. Apparently, this album was recorded using some fancy 3D recording devices, and does sound quite good. Sure, the production, I do have to say, is actually good. There are lots of sounds that are embedded into the music, and do give it that futuristic feel. Unfortunately, the songs aren’t able to stand up on their own legs. For a sophomore release, I was expecting something a lot better than the newest IN FLAMES clone. Rating: 4/10

Evil C
Evil C.[font=Arial said:
There is almost one redeeming factor in their semi decent cover of “Wild Boys” from DURAN DURAN, but even that seems to fall flat.[/font]
Definitely not as cool as the original.

I'd say you hit the nail on the head with how you summed up this band; been there, done that.
