Mnemic - The Audio Injected Soul


Forest: Sold Out
Jul 5, 2003
Mnemic – The Audio Injected Soul
Nuclear Blast Records – October 5th, 2004
By Jason Jordan


There’s positively no excuse for being as unoriginal as Mnemic. The Audio Injected Soul is perhaps the blandest album that’s marred my ears since Zykl…er, Mindgrinder’s MindTech. Sadly, Nuclear Blast Records has most likely found a band that will rocket to the top of the charts, citing that unoriginality is a trait that the masses vehemently extol.

“Dreamstate Emergency” emerges as the first track from the group’s sophomore release. The requisite vox are in place: Soilwork influenced, gruff vocals coupled with Fear Factory-esque, clean vocals. Neither of which are unique in any interpretation of the word. “Door 2.12” chases “Dreamstate…” and features mainly the same characteristics the latter introduced us to. The instrumentation, as capable as it may be, is unfortunately wasted on stale material. “Illuminate” and “Deathbox” are again further proof that Mnemic are attempting to be the hybrid of Soilwork and Fear Factory. The Audio Injected Soul primarily conveys a lack of inspiration and subsequent unfocused, directionless musicianship. It’s actually rather tedious to delve into compositions such as “Sane Vs. Normal,” “Jack Vegas,” and “Mindsaver.” All the latter are devoid of redeeming qualities, as is “Overdose in the Hall of Fame,” “The Silver Drop,” and the ludicrous “Wild Boys.”

Just for fun, listen to Soilwork’s Natural Born Chaos – or even Figure Number Five – then dive into Mnemic. Doing the aforementioned will allow you to realize The Audio Injected Soul for the drivel that it is. It’s just plain unacceptable to present an album that is a shameless rip-off…unless you do it really well! Mnemic, however, do not.


Official Mnemic website
Official Nuclear Blast website
And, I'm betting, a pretty accurate one. Can't believe the praise that's been heaped on these guys. I prefer Red Harvest...maybe not too original, but definitely heavier and more menacing. :OMG: