Mob F*ckin Rules....


Feb 11, 2002
New York
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I am sitting here as i type this watching their new DVD and am absolutely floored by their performance. With a new album in the works, totalling 5 in their history, i think they would make for a great 4 spot at PP in 2007. What does everyone think of these guys? I havet heard much talk of them, but they are such a solid band that apparently come off well live. The singer has a strong and unique voice, the music is powerful and catchy. For those who are not familiar, check them out:
Among The Gods is great, as is Hallowed Be Thy Name. However, unfortunately i think our only shot at ever seeing this band outside of Europe is for Glenn to work his magic! Just another great band that I feel would go over well with the PP audience.
I'd love to see them also, cool band. "Hydrophobia" and "Black Rain" are in my "All time favorites" playlist on my ipod, along with like 600 other tunes ;)
Mob Rules is one of my guilty pleasures (I also include The Storyteller in that category, but I like MR better). They aren't incredibly original or special. They play fairly straight forward power metal, but there is just something about them that I really like. I'm hoping to see them at PP one year.

Steve in Philly
booB said:
Savage Land was such a crappy cd, that it soured me on the band for all time.

I liked Savage Land immediately when I first heard it, which was kind of weird, as it was basically lighter and "wussier" than the power metal I would usually listen to. But it (and the followup, Temple Of Two Suns) had a certain melodicism to it that was very unique to me, and that I really enjoyed even at the expense of heaviness or crunch. Again, unusual for someone like me who rather likes a good dose of "crunch" in power metal. But these guys had such incredible melodies that it didn't even matter. After that, on their later two albums, Hollowed Be Thy Name and Among The Gods, they went in a heavier, more typical euro melodic power metal direction. And while they do it well, and I like those discs, they're not as unique to me as their first two albums, and they don't seem as significant to me, because while good, they're not at the very top of the large euro-power heap, whereas they did stand out from the pack when they were doing something different and unusual on their first two discs.

All that said, if you didn't care for Savage Land, there's a good chance you'd like some of their later work more than that one, but you're definitely not missing out on any future favorites by skipping the band entirely.
I have never really heard these guys before. I heard of them but never listened to them. The clips are good. I will have to give these guys a try.
I love Mob Rules! I've got Hallowed and Among the Gods, and I never get tired of hearing either one. Just plain awesome songwriting, melodies are godly. I've been wanting to get this DVD, but two issues stand in my way:

1) It's PAL format. I realize it's region 0, but my computer doesn't play most region 0 dvds. And I want to be able to play this on my computer. My tv doesn't have much for sound setup.

2) It's availability from USA-based sources. I can't find it for sale from any of my tried and true online music stores. I don't want to order from overseas as it takes forever in shipping.