Modern Family

Yesterday's episode might be the best ever!

Phil's dad was totally like Phil; that was soooo awesome.

Cameron playing the drums was freakin' funny, and his "this is ackward - for me" comment when the band's old drummer came back was hilarious.

Jay taking Manny to see a horror movie had me cracking up as we all new he'd be scared shitless (and feeling the pain of watching your kid being scared is something every parent can relate to).

But the best part was Claire on the phone with Phil when his dad dropped off the dog; "we have a new rule in the house; no sleeping in bed". OMG !!! I almost wet myself laughing so much.

Anyone else still watching this show?

i LOVED when Cameron started playing the drums really poorly and then said "silly me, i have the sticks in the wrong hands" and proceeds to jam out...and the kid on the couch saying "you really should label those"

this and Cougar are still rocking my face this season :)
One of the best comedies on T.V. Also dig Cougar Town.

By the way, how did no one single out Sofía Vergara? She may single-handedly cure erectile dysfunction.



Ye gods!
Great show, but it's always hard for me to get into anything tv-wise, outside of "24", a couple HBO/Showtime shows my dad tapes for me and basketball. I've always been more of a film person than a tv person. Typically when it comes to sitcoms I don't tend to watch them until they're in syndication since I usually watch tv while eat some dinner.
Saw the most recent episode. Quite funny. Some of the jokes are obvious, in that Arrested Development way, yet still very funny.
Bump for possibly the funniest episode yet last night.

Spoiler quotes..

"We've been Shawshanked!"

"It's like Jimmy Buffett tickets for hybrid driving, straight white people."

"My white man name is Tucker." (LOFL)
I really do need to watch this more. I am so anti-tv, that it's hard for me to adjust when there's actually a good show on tv for once. Typically the only stuff I'll watch are some of the shows on HBO and Showtime as well as "24" when it was still on.
Bump for possibly the funniest episode yet last night.

Spoiler quotes..

"We've been Shawshanked!"

"It's like Jimmy Buffett tickets for hybrid driving, straight white people."

"My white man name is Tucker." (LOFL)

LOVE LOVE LOVE this show!
(i'm a day behind in watching, but i will be checking it out tonight :))