MOI on sale NOW at Best Buy

:lol: it's not a very good one... but then HMV in general ain't great for prices... is pretty good though, very cheap new CDs on there but that's cos it's a different company.

Do you know of any other CD shops in Harrow, i could have sworn there were more but after HMV i was stumped for where to try next...
There's not many big stores any more, what with the Virgin closing down a year or so ago and all. The Computer Exchange used to sell some decent CDs until a few years ago too. I started going to Uxbridge instead, but everything except HMV has closed down there as well now. So yeah, to cut a long story short, West London ain't great for CDs :rofl: I usually go to Resurrection Records in Camden these days. Bit of a treck from our area I know, but it's usually worth it.
Thanks for the info! What a bargain eh? How's things Chicago way mate?

Hey Steve,
Chicago's Chicago!!!
Lots of shows / tours coming through this year.
Going to be a great year for metal here.......

You have any plans to hit Chicago this year?

How about a DSG / Powerquest US Tour??????
Hey Steve,
Chicago's Chicago!!!
Lots of shows / tours coming through this year.
Going to be a great year for metal here.......

You have any plans to hit Chicago this year?

How about a DSG / Powerquest US Tour??????

Sounds like it will be a killer year on the show front. We certainly pulling out all the stops to try and get over there with MOI that's for sure:kickass:
I usually go to Resurrection Records in Camden these days. Bit of a treck from our area I know, but it's usually worth it.

Well i work just behind Oxford Street so i've got a few more choices down there... well a bigger HMV (which should stock at least the new PQ i'm sure) and Zaavi.. that might be it...

But luckily have shipped my CD now so i should have it by the end of the week!