Money to spend on recording equipment :)....


Jan 29, 2006
Nieuw-Buinen, The Netherlands
So what to get...
Got about 1000 euro's to spend..:rock:
Save up for something a bit more or got any ideas?
I've got plenty of ideas, but just without spoiling that list, like to think what you guys would be usefull :)...

My current setup:

Main machines:
Apple G5 - 1.8 Ghz PowerPC

KRK VXT 6 - Main monitors monitors

Cubase Studio 4

• Drumagog
• Metric Halo Channelstrip

Motu 1224 & Motu 2408 MKII on PCI-424

• Neumann KM184 (x2)
• Rode NT5 (x2)
• Shure SM57 (x3)
• Shure SM7b (x1)
• Sennheiser MD421 (x3)
• Sennheiser MD521 (x1)
• Beyerdynamic Opus 53 (x2)
• AV-Jefe Clip-on mics (x4)
• Audix D6
•*AKG D112

• RME Octamic (+adat)
• SM Audio Pro PR8E
• Black Lion Audio Auteur

Assorted gear:
• Radial X-Amp (reamp)
• Radial Passive DI
• SansAmp Bass Driver DI
• Alesis D4 drum module
• Ddrum kick & snare triggers
• Zoom Studio 1204 reverb module
• SSL Duende (on it's way)...
You already got plenty of good microphones man, cool :) I would say that you should save up for a really good high end preamp, or perhaps a really good main microphone, perhaps the Peluso 2247LE. Have you treated your room properly?
@ crillemannen : I personally don't see the use of an extra microphone. I have enough, and am really pleased with the quality I get from them. Maybe a ribbon mic or a large diagram condensor mic...but not for now. Room treatment, currently busy with building my new studio room, so that's all taken care of in a month or 4/5.. For now I have a temp room which is now treated ok.

@ skeksis268 : mac pro, yeah maybe. but not really something I really really want. End of the year my design company switches computers again, so I get one of those. The last version before the mac pro came in...

@ JeffTD : They preamp is high on my list, on top(!) of my list actually..any suggestion of you guys for a specific one?
The preamps that are always mention, and are a good safe investment is:

API : 512c, 3124+ A2D
Neve : 1073

A good high end 4ch. mic pre is Focusrite red 1. You could get these quite cheap nowdays, perhaps 1500-2000$. Or else you are looking at a 3-6000$ investment depending on how many channels you want. I dont feel any needs where you're at to invest in a mid-range preamp so go for high end :D

Good luck
Here is actually my list.
1. Highend preamp
2. Interface
3. mac pro or mac book

With the preamps i actually looked into the Api a2d with that one
I have to save some extra up. Second option is Chandler Limited Germanium Pre Amp, but thats just 1 channel but could buy it immediatelly and save up for a 2nd one. But i'm kinda worried about my converters, the motu 1224 arent bad but i think chandler unworthy. Anyhow, kinda difficult.
I'm not to thrilled about getting a Mac Pro. Dunno, got a great working mac right now, really happy with it. It works great for the things I use it for, and I'm not complaining about it. I feel a stronger urge for a better mic preamp then a Mac Pro.

Anyhow here are some more options on preamp.
- Chandler Germanium Pre Amp ( but will my Motu 1224 be unworthy to this preamp..? )
- Chandler TG2
- Grace M201
- Milennia HV-3C Stereo

I only have had an experience with the API A2D so I'm trying to find a way to get to know the others in for the competition.

I want to try to stay with tot a max of 1900 euro's.. pref. 2 channels then!
Lunchbox is a great way to go :) Although as you mentioned with the A2D you get A/D conversion. And 2ch. of 512c + lunchbox will end up equal to a A2D atm. But then as you wrote you have more options later on with the lunchbox.
Tough call man :P
Count me as another vote for the Mac Pro... I got mine about a year and a half ago, and it's amazing. As I've mentioned before, no matter what I do in a full-on mix session, with a ridiculous pile of inserts and busses and MIDI instruments, I haven't been able to get the processor above about 12% :kickass:

What are you using to process harsh vocals? You could also consider getting a Distressor... It's the most I've spent on a piece of outboard (the HEDD doesn't really count as outboard), and it's the absolute last thing I would want to get rid of. Once you crush some screaming with it for the first time, you'll be hooked!