Monitor woes. (Screens, not speakers)


I Prefer EL-34s. So What?
Feb 21, 2006
Need some monitor advice, all opinions are welcome.

About a year ago, I bought a 22 inch screen from Newegg. It's an Asus VW222U. The goal was to buy one then, and later(now) get another when I had a desk big enough to hold a dual setup.

Well since then(about a few months ago) Asus discontinued them. Here is the problem with that- they are still available from a bunch of retailers, but for over TWICE the price I paid for one a year ago. I paid around $140, now they go between $279-$360. You may think WTF, why did the price go up when discontinued products usually go for less? Well it ends up this monitor was actually made for Asus by Sony, and it is highly superior to many they sell now. So once people figured this out, the price skyrocketed on them.

I really like the monitor, but there is no way in hell I'm paying those inflated prices for another.

So here are my options-
1. Buy the same monitor for the inflated price.
2. Buy a different monitor, and just run my Asus and whatever new one I get.
3. Buy 2 new ones, maybe even a bit bigger
4. Just stay with the single monitor I have now.

Any feedback would help me out. So far I haven't felt that I absolutely need a second monitor, but I could see how it would greatly improve my work area. Also if I get a different one, what would you recommend? What are you guys running?

2. Buy a different monitor, and just run my Asus and whatever new one I get.

Just find one with a similar form factor IMO.

I can't really recommend anything from the top of my head though. might be useful, I know they suck at reviewing everything audio-related but you might have more luck with monitors.
I think I may. The replacement for that one, the VW224U has similar specs for $160. I just hope it ends up giving the same image quality.
I's also say get two of the same. I had an old acer and got a second one which was a samsung and they are different heights and different sizes even though they are both 22" and the samsung has much better quality too. I just kept the acer because I knew I wouldnt get anything close to what I paid for it :( but having two the same is ideal so if you could sell your current one, you're in the money
if its any consolation, ive got an old adc apple cinema display that requires a £75 adaptor to be fitted to anything newer than a G4 grrrrrrrrr
I bought an ASUS 24" monitor in the fall and really dig it...It's actually the best monitor I have. I purchased a 23" Samsung about 2 months later (Syncmaster) and the ASUS looks better IMO. I'd hesitate to think the newer ASUS LCD's are that much worse than your current.

here's the one I bought. Got it for 180 through Tiger Direct at the time.
Have you considered a single screen? I have a 37" Olevia 720p HDTV that I use as a monitor. It's awesome. You can find them for about $400 nowadays
I just bought a Samsung 2494 and its absolutely amazing best monitor ive ever used ands its right around 200 id sell the asus you have and pick up 2 of these
So here are my options-
1. Buy the same monitor for the inflated price.

I'd go with option 1. Why? because you'll keep the monitor for years. Often I deal with people who are in the market for a new computer. They always want to skimp on the stuff like monitors, keyboards, etc, but I always tell them not to. For example a friend of my bought a new pc and I encouraged him to buy a Dell 24'' digital because it was on special. That was years ago, he is now on his 3rd machine since then with the same monitor.

Having mixed monitors sucks compared to having a matching pair. You could sell your monitor and buy two new ones.