Mono delays in Nuendo


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
Hey guys,

A long time issue for me here... whenever I set up an FX Track in Nuendo with any sort of delay on it and send a panned mono track to it (so say a lead guitar panned 50% L) the delay always gets spit out in the middle of the stereo image. Can anyone tell me why this is? My FX channel tracks are always stereo.

When I use the delay directly on the lead guitar track as opposed to using a send, it puts the delay in the right spot in the stereo image... so what's going on here? Should I make the FX Channel Track mono and give that a shot?
Hey guys,

A long time issue for me here... whenever I set up an FX Track in Nuendo with any sort of delay on it and send a panned mono track to it (so say a lead guitar panned 50% L) the delay always gets spit out in the middle of the stereo image. Can anyone tell me why this is? My FX channel tracks are always stereo.

When I use the delay directly on the lead guitar track as opposed to using a send, it puts the delay in the right spot in the stereo image... so what's going on here? Should I make the FX Channel Track mono and give that a shot?

Change the display above the sends to show 'Routing' and a L & R slider will show up in your send boxes, letting you pan to the desired side.