Can I freeze group tracks on Nuendo?


Aug 28, 2006
I usually record two mono guitar tracks on Nuendo, hardpan´em and send´em to a Stereo Group Track. On this Stereo Group Track I set a Stereo Gearbox plugin, which applies the same amp simulation on both tracks at once.

The problem is that when I start to overload the others tracks with plugins this Stereo Gearbox takes a lot of processor power, and I couldn´t find any option to freeze the Group Track. Is there any way to do this?
Of couse, I can simply remove the Stereo Gearbox from the Group Track and add a Mono Gearbox plugin in each mono guitar track, but that would be a bit boring as I would have to tweak both plugins everytime I change anything.

...and just for curiosity, do stereo plugins take twice the processor power of it´s mono version?
Unfortunatly u cant freeze group tracks and fx channels......cubase limitation
u will have to do it one by one!
Thanks for the replies!
Yeah, too bad that I can´t freeze the Group Track. As I said, I like to use the Stereo Gearbox because I can tweak the plugin on both guitar tracks at the same time. I guess that I will continue to do the following: Tweak with Gearbox Stereo, save the preset, turn off the plugin. Load the preset on Gearbox Mono on each guitar track and them freeze. :(