Monster Magnet Review...


Jul 14, 2003
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Im not sure how many of you on this board have had the honor of dining at a fine fast food establishment named "Hardees". It's a chain restaurant located mainly in the south. Anyway, one day I came home from work and my Wife ran to the store and picked me up something from Hardees called the "Monster Burger". I was apprehensive at first due to my fear of monsters but worked through it and began eating the Monster Burger. It was a great experience with each bite tasting better than the last. Kind of cheesy with a hint of Mayo and fresh tomato. I thought to myself, "If the Hamburgular knew that this burger existed, he'd quit his McDonalds gig and rob a Hardees.". As the day wore on though, the burger had its revenge. I got the most terrible case of explosive diahreaa that has ever been recorded in the history of mankind. I felt as if a Black Rhino had been unleashed in my bowels and was trying to make his way out the fastest way possible. The new Monster Magnet album, "Monolithic Baby" is alot like that without the explosive diahreaa.
SlappyWhitey said:
Im not sure how many of you on this board have had the honor of dining at a fine fast food establishment named "Hardees". It's a chain restaurant located mainly in the south.

I love Hardees. We have them up here in the north. I know in other parts of the country they are called Carl's Jr. instead. But I never had any experience close to what you are referring to after eating there.


NP: Metal for the Masses II MP3 disk