Monster of choice

i was dead scared of the devil as a nipper, i mean all the other ones are just sub monsters. he's the big bossand a picture i had of cerebus in a book that scared the bejaysuz outta me
intet said:
Huh? Tim Curry was HILARIOUS as the clown in It.
Agreed, but he was scary at the same time. But it's not just pennywise that disturbs me, other clowns as well. Ask from my mother if you want to, she was the one I hid behind everytime there was this kids show bout a clown on telly in Finland.
Crack Hitler said:
Agreed, but he was scary at the same time. But it's not just pennywise that disturbs me, other clowns as well. Ask from my mother if you want to, she was the one I hid behind everytime there was this kids show bout a clown on telly in Finland.
Just like Cosmo Kramer.
there once was this monster in the care bears *shiver*

monsters in books are quite scary, if you then see the movie it's mostly less... like in lord of the rings and such
Crack Hitler said:
oh, hey mehdi, how's that lodoss war? is it any good (the first one?)?

well, if you like heroic fantasy and mangas then its tosi hyvää. if you dont like any of that, its tosi cräp.
Crack Hitler said:
how's that lodoss war? is it any good ?
i've only seen the Record of Lodoss War:chronicles of the heroic knight.its the only one i found in Thessaloniki.
The theme song blew me away completely.even before i had seen any episode,by just listening to the song i was weeping like an idiot.same with Princess Mononoke,in first 5'.those japanese heroic songs for cartoons are my fave,ah!!!
Lodoss war was like a misprint of Lord of the Rings.The plot did not convince me.There was no real violence(no blood anywhere)and the script leaked too much.most of all,there was no sexy cartoon feller,just mediocre heroic lads and a bunch of cute ladies.nothing dead inspiring there:(it was ok watching tho,especially cos of the music.

Kabamaru forever!!!
monsters of has to be evil spirits.although you could not really call em monsters but still..i've always been afraid of the dark and now im leaving alone,my stomach's twisted by nightfall:(my vivid imagination helps a my dreams,i mostly see evil spirits chasing me as too tired of it really.waking up anxious and tired.