Montreal May 12th...


Apr 20, 2006
I thouight I'll post it here for first for you guys, Quo Vadis will be playing in Montreal at the Medley on May 12 together with Martyr + guests...
Montreal we're back!
You people in Montreal are in for a real treat!! QV + Martyr = ownage. For those who haven't heard Martyr's new album... check it out, it rocks :) Now if only you got Anonymus on the bill ;)
I'll try to make it to Montreal for may 12th but right now doesn't look like i'll be able to.
Is there anything on QV schedule for Ottawa-Hull ???
In the past month we've got Anonymous and Grimskunk twice, Slayer, Necrophagist and Dimmu Borgir... I think it's time for Quo Vadis to drop by.:headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
I'll be there!! I have my ticket! This show will rock QV + Martyr is fucking nice!! :worship:

And btw Bart, you'd better have to show me your skills and not deceive me :p (Well I guess you just CAN'T deceive anyway as one of my favorite Guitar Player :p )

If by any chance the other guitarist can't make it to the show I'll be glad to take place with you on stage :rolleyes: No, just joking, I won't wish him bad luck loll
I hope you'll play Hunter-Killer, Dysgenics or Let it Burn since they are my favorite songs of all time! And it will be very interesting to see how you play them live!

Well, cya at the Medley on May 12!!! :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
too bad i cant make the journey up there. you guys have to get to New York!
I bought my tickets a few weeks ago and I'm wondering if there's a way we could meet you after the show :)

Like, if we wait next to the bus will you come??? or where could I meet you then? :)