Moonspell / Leaves´ Eyes / Atrocity....HIGHLY RECOMMENDED


Aug 13, 2009
While I was watching Sevendust at the Culture Room in Fort Lauderdale I decided to go the next day to the next venue to check this one and I don´t regret it one bit. What an awesome night of metal. Fresh off the Metal cruise, all bands kicked ass. I did not know Liv´s husband is also the singer in Atrocity (wasn´t familiar with that band) or that they were married, LOL! Anyhow, it was a great night of music for $26 bucks ($21 if I hadn´t bought on stupid Ticketmaster). Bought 2 Moonspell and 1 Leaves´ Eyes t-shirts. At 20 a pop its a pretty good deal when at bigger shows bands rip us off with $40 t-shirts. If this small tour comes to your city, check it out. Its not everyday we get the underrated Moonspell in our shores.